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"Are you sure?" Cross asked the stranger. She nodded. "Lust..." he was confused by what she said. "What about lust?"

"He was who I drowned..."she said. "I drowned lust..."

Cross went quiet, unsure what to say. "W-well..." he said, trying to think about something to say to her. She shook her head. "Let's get your leg fixed... I think you sprained your ankle..." she started taking his shoes off. Cross backed up a bit on the dock.

"I wont hurt you. I promise. "She took his socks off. She saw the damage. He raised a brow on what she was going to do. She then took a few scales out of her tail. She gently pressed them into the sprained ankle. She started muttering softly. She backed up a bit. "Stand, does it still hurt?"

Cross stood up, no pain. He smiled. "No. Thank you so much."

Then, the cloaked figure crawled out of the water, spitting and coughing up the salty ocean. Cross panicked, so did the girl. Cross put his shoes and socks on, picked her up and ran. Wait, why was he running with her!? His mind raced. He tripped and fell.

They yelped. He rolled down a hill, his sleeve got caught on a branch and ripped his sleeve. They got to the bottom. Cross got up and kept running. The girl passed out in his arms. He hid in a small shed. He put her down.

He looked at her, amazed at her face. Her olive skin had white lines on her chin and forehead. She had long gray hair. Her scales where gray too. Her fin looked torn and shredded. She had a necklace around her neck. A moon charm at the end of it. The only thing that covered her chest was a large scarf, wrapped around her chest and shoulders and tied behind her back.

He yawned and blocked the door with a shovel. The door open outwards so there was no way anyone could get in. He laid down and passed out.

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