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Cross looked out his window in a panic. Blue was out there. Watching. Waiting.  He closed the window and shut the blinds, swearing softly to himself. Tears started to fall.

He was terrified. He slammed and locked his door, shaking. He heare a small giggle. It sounded like it was everywhere. He panicked. He tried unlocking the door but a set of hands grabbed him. He tried screaming but a gloved hand covered his mouth.

"Shhh~," whispered blue into his ear, "dont worry senpai, I wont hurt you~." He covered cross' nose gently with a cloth. Cross fought blue but it was to late. He had breathed in the Chloroform on the cloth. His vision went hazy and he passed out.

Blue giggled softly and madly. "Dont worry senpai, I'll keep you safe~" he picked cross up and teleported off. Cross shivered in his unconscious state. Blue laid him down on a  bed, tied cross' wrist together  and covered him up. He pet the sleeping oreo. He chuckled and walked off.

He came back with a small cloth gag. He gently opened cross' mouth, inserted it in and tied it behind his skull. He walked off to make some tacos for his lover when he woke. The drugs should wear off in about an hour or two. He chuckled to himself.

What he didn't know was that error had seen all the commotion and knew where blue was. The only problem was it was an au where only the owner could allow others in. He would need to find a way to break in and save cross.

He sighed and thought of a plan, mumbling to himself as the door to his room, slammed open. He screamed as horror ran in. "DØ YOU KÑOW WhāŤ KNOCKING ÏS!?"he shouted at horror. His voice glitched. Horror rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah. You hungry?" He asked.

Error glared.  Horror returned the look. "Nø. Now ğet øut of mý room. Ør əlse..." Horror sighed. "Welp I guess me and cross will just have to eat all the chocolate." Error spoke up before he could leave. "Blue kidnapped cross"

Horror twitched slightly. "What did the blue bastard do?..." he turned around slowly, giving the glitching skeleton a bit of fright. Before he could repeat himself,  horror bursted into an insane laughter. Error quickly teleported away.

Horror grabbed his axe and ran down the halls. Past killer and dust. He kicked cross' door open. The door fell to the floor with a thud. He looked around. He saw the peice of paper on his desk. He picked it up. He growled angrily and ripped it up.

Nightmare heard and teleported behind horror. He hesitated but then gave him a gently hug from behind. Horror froze. He then took a few breaths and calmed down. He leaned into the taller skeleton. Nightmare chuckled softly. Horror huffed and blushed.

"Blue has cross" he said. Nightmares eye flashed an angry black.

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