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Warning! Sexual actions! if this makes you uncomfortable,  please skip this chapter. Thank you.

Blue reached his hand under cross' shirt. He took off the many layers he wore on his torso. Cross whimpered. He hated where this was going. Blue took off his own shirt and scarf. He ran a hand over cross' ribs. The taller skeleton whimpered and held in a small moan.

Sure it felt nice but he was still scared. Scared of blue. Scared of what he could do if he said or did the wrong thing.

He started to kiss his ribs. Cross whimpered and moaned, unable to hold them in. He hated it. He backed up as far as he could. Blue held him down. He grabbed some rope and tied his wrist above his head to the bed frame. Cross yelped and struggled.

"shhh~" blue purred and started to take cross' pants off. He carefully took his pants off. Cross whimpered.  Blue started to take his own pants off.

"N-no! Please!" He begged. Tears came to his eyes.

"Shhh~ it's okay~" he held his face and smiled gently. "I'll go easy if you want~," Blue giggled softly. Cross whimpered and shook his head. "B-blue no. I-i cant! I'm scared..." he cried softly.

This alarmed blue. He wiped his tears away and kissed him. Cross kissed back. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm sorry..." blue spoke softly to calm cross down.

"We dont have to." He untied cross and covered him with a blanket gently. He held him close and whispered sweet nothings in his ears.

Cross soon passed out. He chuckled softly. He took the necklace off of his neck and looked at the small golden locket. He smiled and put it back on cross. He loved him. He wouldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to. Even if that ment things He wanted to do, would have to wait.

He got his own clothes on and left the room.

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