The first time he heard about Namjoon was at one of the good deal of underground rap concerts he attended. Most of the time Yoongi attended as a rapper, but tonight he was part of the audience. Days later they met backstage, and at that moment he met Namjoon, known by the name of Rap Monster, with whom he immediately connected not only in a matter of musical tastes and trends but also personally. 

It was logical that, after connecting in that way, they ended up collaborating on many of their songs, as was the fact that they ended up working for the same company, although at first, they did not know it. Of course, each of them had their own workload, but more times they worked together on the same project than they did not, so the company left them together.

Yoongi was immensely grateful for it, as Namjoon knew where his limits were; he knew when to push and when to stay out, at least in most cases. The point is, Yoongi wasn't a person you could get close to so easily, not because he rejected others out of the blue, but because at first when you know nothing about the other person, he didn't know what to say. This icebreaker was not his strong suit, and neither was striking up a long conversation with anyone outside his circle of friends. That is why he always gave the impression of being a cold and disinterested person, almost as if the rest of the world bothered him. Only those who stayed around long enough realized that Min Yoongi was tough on the outside and soft on the inside.

After reviewing the songs that were missing, the two boys ended the day, since there were only about ten minutes left to finish the day. Namjoon got up from the chair and stretched to remove the stiffness from his body after spending hours in the same position, just like Yoongi.

"Do you want to go get something to eat, Hyung?" Namjoon asked as he put his things in his backpack. "If you have nothing to do, of course."

Normally Yoongi had nothing to do, apart from lounging on the couch while watching TV or composing something of his own; write your thoughts on paper and then order them to later decide that the result was not what you wanted. And so the cycle repeated.

"Sure, why not? I don't have anyone waiting for me at home." Yoongi said as he put on a cap.

It was the truth, there was no one waiting for him at home. He had no pets to worry about, nor did he have roommates. He lived alone, although there was a time when he was not. Because of the latter, and because Namjoon had stayed to put it back together after the breakup, Yoongi realized that he might have sounded depressed.

"What I mean-"

"Okay Hyung, I know what you mean. Don't worry." Namjoon said with a squeeze on the shoulder. "Come on, I'm starving."

With that said, they left work for the coffee shop that was a few blocks away from the company. It was their favourite place to hang out after work when neither of them had anything to do. The place was enormous, with enough space between the tables to give a feeling of privacy. The paint mixed light and dark colours depending on the space and the decoration was abundant but not over the top. You could say that everything was just right.

Once they arrived, they went to the farthest table, as usual. From the bar, one server asked them with a gesture if they wanted to have the usual, and after an affirmative answer, he got to work. Maybe that was one of the many reasons they always came to this place; the employees always remembered the orders of the most frequent customers, but they never served them without asking first or until the customer asked them "the usual".

After a few minutes, in which the two boys talked about everything and nothing, they were served the menu of the day along with the drinks they used to have, an iced coffee for Yoongi and a soda for Namjoon. The latter gulped down the food like there was no tomorrow, stopping now and then to take a sip of his drink and allow all that food to sink into his stomach. Yoongi ate at the speed of a turtle, something normal for him since he was used to staying on coffee to finish some projects with a deadline and, therefore, required him to stay awake for longer than advisable.

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