I don't...you

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Chapter 8

Merlins PoV

A pained groan escaped my lips as I stood and I couldn't help but rub my sore bum. I regret having teased my distressed maiden,"Im sorry Snow White, I took it too far too soon". 

I must have looked like an old man the way I was holding my hip. Snow huffed in annoyance and threw a pillow at me but my hands caught it automatically. As I glanced at the clock all joking matters were put aside. It was 7: 45. While I kneaded with the pillow in my hands, I honestly didn't know what to say. I had almost gotten Snow White into more than just trouble. Biting my lip, I thought about how I could have tainted Snow Whites' reputation. No one would marry a deflowered princess. My heartfelt a twinge of jealousy and sorrow at any one seeing her less than perfect. 

I know I was pushing my luck by not leaving immediately but ....I didn't want to leave her. Not now and probably not for a very long time. The atmosphere had shifted and the tension between us returned. The realization hit us both of what could've happened. I hated seeing her like this, all bothered and sad. We were running out of time though and If I didn't settle things between us... We would go our separate ways.

I couldn't help but take in more of the beautiful plum maiden in front of me. Her shoulders were drawn in and she looked so, so very small. Snow White looked like she was having an internal battle with herself and it made me grow concerned. I could tell that her mind had switched back onto remembering last night. Snow White glanced at the red rose I had left for her that somehow made its way to her bed side table. It was being held in the paws of a stuffed bunny rabbit. 

With a sigh, I sat back down on her bed. There was a great chance that she didn't believe what I had said before. Truly, I wanted to come to understand my feeling for her. Spending time with her has been a marvel, imagining myself spending even more time with her sent a rush of euphoria through me. 

With a whisper, I just asked, "What are you thinking?"

Snow White looked tired but her beautiful pale skin practically glowed in the morning sunlight.

She shrugged, "I'm just. I'm just having a hard time getting over that you're...you're you and I'm me." My princess gestured to the both of us and then turned her whole body away from me.

My head tilted to rest on the beadboard "What happened to that confidence back at the stream, Hmm?"

    Deciding not to get any more comfortable on the bed, I stood, wanting my brave , confident princess back. Walking around the bed, I went to stand in front of her. Snow's eyes were avoiding mine and instead looked at the floor. I gave her a gentle smile as it was my silent plea for attention. Being bold yet again, I held Snow Whites' hand and started to caress the back of it. Snow's lips started to go upward. There was that tiny smile letting me know she liked the small gesture. Wanting to take it a little further, I sat down next to her with her hands on my thigh.

    I was so close I could hear her breathing pick up. Snow White had a warmth that I craved. Naturally, my arm started to gently press against hers. Her head seemed to just slowly fall into the crook of my neck as I placed my cheek on top of her head. Things happened so easily between us, and most certainly, continued to happen between us. Her insecurity just made things more difficult.

Snow White started to speak. "Well, I was confident. I was confident in front of the short green Merlin but now you... you have a different life, a whole other you that I actually know about.

"I beg to differ that you don't know me, and you certainly don't get to know people through rumors", I stated. 

I should have the patience of a prince towards Snow White but I couldn't afford to. In less than 10 minutes I could be thrown out of her castle from either her father finding me her, my friends dragging me out, or worse. Snow White could still tell me to leave forever one final time.

"I think it would have been better if I was never 'Wizard Merlin'. Do you know any witches nearby?"

Snow slapped my shoulder.,"Don't talk like that Merlin. I still like you. It's that I'm just ... I'm scared," She shrugged.

"Scared? You, who just faced Regina, an all-time wicked witch, faced deathly walking trees, jumped off a cliff, and head-butted a soldier is scared? Scared of what?"

There was a pause. Her hands started to squeeze mine. 

"I'm scared things won't work out between us."

I nodded understanding, "The only way things won't work out between us is if you try to think that there are problems between us." 

Snow took her head off my shoulder and backed away to show me her confused face.

"What do you mean?"

I explained growing nervous at the ticking time, "Well, If you keep believing that your not my type or imagine I don't like you, were going to have problems" My arm snakes around her waist once more to poke her side. She reacted the way I wanted her to, having her jumped back to sit closer at my side. She gave me a disapproving face at my poking but continued to talk, "It's still scary to think about being with you."

"Well then tell me what you're scared about. I don't see anything else you should worry about between us since I have no intentions to halt my courting."

"So far your courting kinda sucks. You broke into my room." she reached towards the bunny by her bed side table and twirled it. 

I rolled my eyes ignoring that last comment, "Unnecessary details. Just tell me what fears you have of me? Because I think I've made it perfectly clear that I'm not just after Red Shoes any more."

She looked up at me and both our eyes locked It took me a few seconds to understand my proclamation that I'm after her.


We leaped out of our skins as we heard a knock coming from the door.

A new voice, neither of the maid's voice, spoke out, "Princess Snow White breakfast with our saviors will be in 15 minutes!"

As we heard the footsteps walk away Snow whispered the last words that would stab at me for the rest of the day.

Snow looked at me with frowning eyes, "I just don't know you."


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