Cloth(Chapter 16)

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Chap 16: Cloth

After the chair had gone crashing into a bookshelf, maids and servants came rushing into the room. Merlin had let go of my hand to look up at everyone up with innocent eyes, while I just sat there with my face as red as an apple. The servants wasted no time in letting me know I had to go and pack a small case for my overnight stay with the F7. I paled just thinking about having to be under the same roof as Arthur and Jack. My mind kept flashing back to their look of disappointment and to the possible treatment that would come in the future.

My stomach had started to rumble from skipping breakfast and now lunch. Hans was so kind, as he fed me within the hour when everyone was preparing to leave. The green chief noticed how I refused to eat in front of Merlin, cunningly he told the wizard to go find the royal stable boy, as to pick out some horses. Merlin had given us a strange look before he left, but not before eyeing a little longer at Hans. I almost laughed at the questioning look Merlin gave, as Hans was hiding my plate beneath the table.

Minutes after departing for the Fearless Sevens home, Papa was giving me an uncomfortable conversation on how men can be complicated, rash, stupid, impulsive, and most of all...brainless. The conversation caused such a feeling that could be described as torture.

"All that I'm saying is that men charm princesses every day. I just don't want you to believe that you can trust everyone, not that I think Merlin is terrible, its just", he sighed trying to not be direct. "You are still so young and know very little of how the world works, stay close to Merlin but not to close" Papa had his eyes narrow at the wizard from a distance.

"I don't know about the other boys- well besides Aurthur- but I don't like the idea of you going to spend the night at their cottage".

I held out my hands to squeeze my father's larger ones, "They were sweet with me papa, they gave me their whole room while they slept in the living room. I was respected and will continue to be". Now that wasn't entirely the truth, I lost Arthurs and Jack's respect ever since they had found out I wasn't really a girl who went by the name Red Shoes.

"Since you need to go along, makes sure you find out more of Merlin's kingdom and his role there, to be honest, I don't know much about the prince"

I nodded not wanting to mention, that I myself, knew very little about Merlin.

As Papa kissed my hands and said his goodbyes, I turned to await to see Merlin. Instead, I was greeted with a displeasing sight.

Arthur was playing footman and staring down at me from the carriage.




The carriages were grandly accompanied with horses- magnificent and well-groomed horses. Snow White's every move was analyzed by Arthur, his eyes scorching her every step, hating the princess's very existence. Instead of crossing through the forest, they took the longer route on a dirt trail, that was going to pass a rushing whitewater stream and a jocund meadow filled with purple bell flowers and Prairie Gentian. While Arthur, Merlin, and Snow White rode in the carriage, Prince Jack had requested his own lavish carriage with Hans navigating. The trio of inventories traveled back home the same way they came from, traveling in that gigantic-wooden-robot-man of theirs.

On the way to the F7's home, Merlin flashed Snow White, his number one- I'll make it your best day ever-kind of smile. But on the inside what Merlin really thought was: If I could just get her to know I can be enough maybe she wouldn't care about what I can't be. The wizard was nervous, it's true, Merlin never had to admit to anyone that he was born as a poor commoner's child. The man knew that many questions would come soon, he just didn't know that Snow White would begin to ask him in the carriage.

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