Miserable (Authors Notes)

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I wanted to ask If I was worth the work, but did Merlin feel like I was worth all the trouble? SHe was afraid to hear his answer, not wanting to force him into saying it so just so he could look good. It would make her feel better if Merlin said it on his own. Instead she wanted to try and be more real with him, realistic and see his reaction.

"Being with me would be very difficult, father will eventually come to find out and might get upset '' red flats turned, putting her to see Merlins reaction,and study what he'd say. But he wasn't looking at her, he was casting his gaze downward thinking about what he would have to go through"

My shoulder gave a little shrug, " I hear that a royal couple doesn't spend enough time as it is, I wouldn't be able to tell you how our lives would be '' she whispered that last part. It was embarrassing to already bring up the topic of their life if they married. But that was courting involved, getting to know the women you are interested in, to see if she was marriage material.

He started to look sad as his face appeared dejected, like he was losing something. Merlin eye had grown dim and looked sad as our eyes interlocked.

"That would be a sad life for you Snow White," He said admittingly, his eyes now stying me in return to see what I would say.

I almost smiled that he'd caught on, how I was challenging him and his loyalty, faithfulness and love, only to do the same thing to me.

How was I going to respond to that? Of course, it was going to be a sad life with him...but not the favor I hoped for. Eventually, he'd catch on, but the first few years would be hellish, not a life that was charming to picture when marrying.

I didn't want to rescind with the truth but, "Yes, It would be sad for me but nothing like it will be for you"

"Oh?" he raised an eyebrow, "Why dont try to paint a picture for me? What will it be like? He challenged and I took it

"You would hardly have free time, you'd have piles of reading to catch up on"

"I like reading"

"Always having to sort out trouble"

"I'm a hero, I already do that now"

"Partake in many boring events, tolerate obnoxious rich people"

"So basically what I do now with Arthur?" Merlin smiled and smacked an arm around at my hip, drawing me in close. our bodies leaned against the bookshelf for some support, because it felt like it was the only thing supporting us besides each other. The aid between Merlin and me shifted into one where we were the only two alone in the world.

Alone with no one else's support. Being new to our little relationship, one that was a first. The first princess to marry a poor man.

I laughed but continued, wanting him to take the matter a bit more seriously,

"You'd hardly ever see me", my tongue rolled out the words like a fist to the chest.

That was the one that got him, the words that made Merlin halt his breath. I swallowed and his eyelids lowered.

I kept my gaze on him, waiting to see his response now. Being so close to him I could see his apple bottom move as he swallowed. I was so close I could see that Merlin is starting to have stubble grow out from days away from his home. I really didn't like facial hair....

"Would you visit me?" Merlin didn't look like he was challenging me, he didn't look even playful. He just looked at me as if I would say wondering if I would say now, with a hoful expression that I would.

"Every time I was free"

"He shrugged as if everything was simple once more, "Then it will all be worth it. Just having you visit me is more than enough for me, it would be better than imaging a life not being around you"

Something inside me kept eating him to think harder and imagine his life with me.

"You'd be miserable. It would be hard and... I don't want you to hate your life with me"

"I wouldn't hate a life with you snow white and everyone hates it when their life gets hard but it won't be forvor. I'm willing to go through a decade of struggling to learn how to rule if it meant a long life with you. I'm not as stupid as you may think, Im a pretty fats learner and not completely oblivious to what a prince does. I've been shadowing Arthur his whole life ad do some of is work when he wants to go out gunting"

"Iv never thought of you as stupid" I said arpiing my arms around his waist. Merlin stood up, shoulder no longre pressed up against the shelf and arped his arms around my shoulders in a hug. He squeezed me in his hold a little tighter.

Merlin was holding me like he wanted something. Like he was a child looking for answers. The way he was holding me was strong, he felt frail, a frail man holding onto something unstable, drying, waiting for it to be something he could grasp.

"Would you still want me and the relationship I would be able to give you ?" his voice sounded strained from holding in his emotions.

Those words made me rub his back, feeling guilty to make him think more into our future, but it was needed. I kept asking to see if he thought a life with me was worth it. But instead... it sounded like he didn't believe he was worth it. It was this moment that I knew he wasn't thinking about shribble life with me. He was thinking how I would have a horrible life with him.

Last Chapter The Curse

He had left me early this morning. He rarely did so. It was one year, since he had saved my kidgome and died.

I suusaly woke with him to kiss him good morning and good bye. While I la in bed I would watch my wizard change into his staping armor.

Dispite morning breath we would still kiss not caring about anything else but greeting each other every morning with love.

my father made an appearance at the wedding but he didn't stay. He only walked me down the aile and waited to sulk into the shadow. He never approved of us willingly. He hated Merlin. He still live din the cattle only seeing merlin when he absolutely needed to share Kingly information. Despite everyone saying that mt father was at the wedding till the very end, I know he wasn't. Niko, Pino, and Nocci documented everything on something they call a 'film' saying they posted it on "You Lube" I think they called it. When they showed me the video I saw the wedding was beautiful with all my friends. I saw how happy I saw during my dance with Merlin, free to dance with the man I loved.

Merlin was gone all day during our anniversary. He was gon often. I know this is real because life isn't like a fairytail. Life is filled with so many carfices to keep the ones you love even if it means not seeing them often. Merlin Ids earning a respectable name by supplying energy all over the kigdome. Hes obsessed in proving my father how great and amazing he is. Papa would have never let me Married Merlin if it wasn't this made up curse" Weher I could die with out him.

Every now and then I would see Papa throwing me pitying looks \ that I didn't get my prince charming. Bt merlin was better then all the prince in the land. And I knew I had him wrapped around my finger.

It was night and the sky was growing dark.

And with open eyes I saw my night light up, not with light, beauty or magic.

And with open eyes I saw my love walking towards me. 

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