A While Longer

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"Open Eyes" Chap 4: A While Longer

Merlins Pov.

   I honestly didn't know what just happened. With an honest heart, I tell the girl that invades all my thoughts that she is beautiful.

Then she leaves me.

Soon after, more questions get poured into me. I don't know what was achieved besides ruining what little relationship I had with Snow White.

   With a groan of frustration, I watched the princess walk away. She has completely misunderstood everything! That night in the woods I had only left to get more firewood. I thought she was sleeping for heaven's sake and I was going to come back! My hands were currently tugging at my hair wishing to rip out every strand.

   Exhaling I decided it was best not to pursue until later tonight.

   We both needed some space. I needed to calm down and for her...my poor Snow White was crying. I wouldnt be any help in her current state since I'm the one upsetting her.

Walking around the halls was no place to think. It was too loud with the ongoing activities of sex in each room.

   With hurried footsteps I saw a garden in the center of the castle. The air was crisp and the stars were dazzling. My heated skin cooled as I replayed Snows words.

   Of course I like Red Shoes first but that didnt mean I would choose Red Shoes beauty over Snow White's. And to be fair, those shoes made everyone like Red Shoes. When Snow and I had gotten out of the lake and were drying in front of the fire, I was shocked at how different she looked. As I replayed memories, I admired how Snow always spoke the truth. Never in my life has someone confronted me on how I judge people by their appearance.

   After that walk in the forest I came to understand that Red Shoes never cared about how I looked. The girl in disguise only cared for me and my personality. If the princess didn't care how I looked, why should I care about appearances. Red Shoes is Snow White and Snow White is still Red Shoes. Except shes even more gorgeous than ever before. Snows funny, strong, caring, smart,witty...
and currently being a pain but I still care for her.

   Im trusting that Snow White could still be the same woman. The princess just needs to trust Im still the same Merlin.

   There were so many messages in what Snow White said tonight. Having had my fair share of dating, I could tell when a woman was jealous. But It didn't sound like jealousy, more like hurt.

   My teeth grinded together hating the reputation that I've built over the years. She must have heard the rumors about me. They were horrid rumors that hurt my feelings.

   The sound of trickling water caught my ears. A fountain was hidden behind thick tall bushes. Before I sat down there were a couple coming out from a room. Their clothes were ruffled and hair a mess. The pair were still wrapped in each other's arms as they were leaving the party. With a roll of my eyes I remembered that I have never slept with a woman. It was unprincely and sinful yet rumors said otherwise.

   Merlin the greatest sorcerer is famous, popular, but never a brute. Not once have I toyed with a woman. Never before have I felt so strongly for a woman untill recently. Sure there were girls I've dated in the past but they were just fleeting moments. No girl like Snow White has made me feel....loved.

   Snow White made me feel loved. I blink rapidly feeling my eyes water at the beautiful fact.

   It hurt knowing she was hurting. Snow White doesn't know how I feel about her, beacuse she refuses to listen. What I said was the truth, she's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen whether my eyes are open or closed.

"Open Eyes" (Merlin X Snow White )/Art GalleryWhere stories live. Discover now