Your My First

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Chapter 5

(Snow Whites Pov)

It was Delicious





Both mentally and physically.

It was Hans buttercream carrot cake. Hans carrot cake was to die for! Nothing helped a girl's emotions more than sweets to battle out the bitterness. I sucked on my fingers finishing any traces of frosting. After arguing with Merlin, I couldn't ignore my rumbling belly. Licking my lips, I had no regret choosing something so unhealthy as a midnight snack. Besides, I'm too tired to think any longer. Any regrets in the morning would be blamed on my exhaustion.

As I walked towards my room I saw doors cracked open throughout the hallways signaling that couples had finished their sinful night. I saw my father was still in the ballroom while I was walking towards the kitchen. My father loved parties and lived them through their fullest. Papa could be there until the early morning if he wished.

   It felt like it took forever to get to my room as my feet ached and so did my body. A yawn escaped me as my eyes were having trouble staying open. My vision blurred and I started to see Merlin with closed eyes. It's funny but I couldn't even remember why I was angry. Thinking of him just made me smile. My married friends had always said, that at the end of the day loved ones would always be forgiven. Arguments and fights just seem to blow away because all you can think about when you're trying to sleep is what you want most. 

I wanted Merlin the most out of everything in this whole world.

As I approached my red doors, I broke out into a bigger smile. I was finally going to sleep in my very own bed again after months of hiding. I thought about how dusty it might be inside, but in the state I was in, I could sleep through anything.

My hands push the doors open and I was glad to see no horny couple lounging on my bed. What dummies would dare go into a royals room? Some candles were lit and even though it made the room easier to see my sleepy state still made my vision hazy.

My feet stopped and my eyes widened in alarm.

There had been a light snore.

Pausing I strained my ears to hear the sound again.

There it was. On the couch that was facing away from me.

Frantically, I searched for more sleeping people. My fear grew as I kept hearing the snores. I was tiptoeing around my very own room as if I was intruding. I prayed to any God that was awake that no nude couple would be sleeping there. 

I squinted, my eyes trying to make out the person on my couch as I stood on my tiptoes to see over the coach. My heart melted when I saw Merlin's sleeping face and my fears slowly evaporated. The boy that I loved was sleeping in my room.

My smile dropped. If anyone were to know Merlin was sleeping in my room it would look utterly shameful. My hands cupped my cheeks not knowing what to do. I could wake him up and...and... then what? Did he even have any place to sleep for the night? Had his friends left him? I wasn't paying attention if the F7 were still downstairs galivanting the night away.

With a shake of my head, I made a decision. Merlin had saved me and this kingdom, the least he deserved was a good night's rest. Though It was a shame that it had to be on an uncomfortable couch. He would rest for a few hours and then wake up bright and early. I would just have to wake up extra early to wake him up before the maids came to fetch me.

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