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It wouldn't hurt to stop by at the Purple Café to get some coffee before actually going to the grocery store.

The inside of the café was very modern. He liked it, the service was good because they served black coffee. Free  black coffee for anyone that wanted it. And their prices were relatively low if you wanted a fancier drink rather than just plain black coffee. Yoongi always opted for the first option though.

He took a few quiet sips before slamming his head on the table, maybe a bit too loudly. He received a few questioning glares and the occasional 'Are you okay, sir?' 's from the waiters. But he could care less. His eyes were flooded with sleepiness, but Yoongi knew he had to earn some money to pay rent. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and he wasn't in the mood to steal either, he never was.

Yoongi tapped his fingers on the table creating a beat. He hummed along a melody which partially distracted him from his previous thoughts. He had always enjoyed making music ever since he was young, it used to be his life. But unfortunately, life started dealing him bad cards when he turned thirteen, so much that he had no choice but to abandon it. Sadly his thoughts were interrupted by loud screeches.

"Jimin oppa can I have your signature?"

"Please be my boyfriend!"

"I'd do anything for you-"

"Easy, easy." The kid said to the crowd before taking a seat on a chair. He smiled at the waitress, "A caramel macchiato please."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. He wondered why someone like him even came to a café like this in the first place. He eyed the scene as the guy was bombarded with a bunch of paparazzi, mostly female. His wishes of a quiet and peaceful coffee break immediately went down the drain.

The kid entertained those people like a clown entertains kids, and Yoongi didn't know whether to feel bad for him or feel annoyed. Something in him always detested priviledged people, and this kid definitely was no exception to that rule.

One more thing that ticked him off was his failure to recognize who the person was. For some reason, his face seemed familiar because Yoongi could swear that he saw him on the news or even on TV once. Either way, it wasn't a big deal.

But Yoongi had to admit, he was kind of cute, not that he was staring.

Okay, maybe he was.

The crowd soon cleared up resulting into him and the kid being the only ones present. And it seemed like the workers were also busy since no one was out and about. And yes- he was going to keep calling him a kid even though they looked like they were about the same age. 

But Yoongi didn't give a fuck... Or.. maybe he did. Yoongi took interest in the boy as soon he spotted a designer bag on top his table. That bag was at least worth a couple hundred thousand- if not a million won. That by alone could pay of their rents for the next few months or more. 

Even though him and Rain were on good terms, Rain still needed the money, and for that Yoongi needed that bag. He at last, thought of two ideas.

A) 'Accidentally' spill some coffee on top the kid to make him pissed. Then run away with the bag.

B) Flirt with the kid, and take it when he least expects it.

Yoongi was pretty damn good at flirting if he needed to be, but this wasn't the time, he decided to go with plan A.

He slowly got up from his seat taking his black coffee with him and pretended to get a napkin which happened to be right beside the kid's table. Yoongi tried to hold in his laugh as he walked closer, this would be interesting.

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