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"Hoseok, you can't believe who I just saw at the mall."

"So you've resorted to retail therapy now? Not surprised."

"Sometimes I hate the fact that you know me well." Seokjin said as he walked on the ice cold streets with a couple of bags on him, "But I mostly brought stuff for-"


Seokjin almost slipped on the ice from the comment, "You know me better than that Hoseok. I brought something for my mom, it's almost her birthday."

"It's also close to valentine's day, did you know that?"

"I know. But that's not the point." He heard Hoseok laugh from the other side of the call, "What's so funny?"

"It's just funny to see you trying to ignore what I'm saying."  He said with a chuckle, "So have you changed your mind about coming to work?

Seokjin briefly paused for a moment and glanced at his watch. Surprisingly, he still wouldn't be late to work even if he left an hour later, "I'll.. consider it. But why are you at work so early anyways?" 

"Apparently a new employee is joining my department. So I went there early to prepare his work."

"Already giving work on the first day?" Questioned Seokjin, "That's unlike you."

"Well I have no choice. Going international is taking a big toll on the department, so I have to make use of everyone. And it's not much work anyway. I'm having him make a Profit and Loss chart for us after we acquired Carat Capital, and predictions on sales with two possible distributors in different continents. Shouldn't be too hard for him since he has a background on statistics."

"Sounds interesting but tiring at the same time. I'll be going home in a bit- Oh wait! I forgot to tell you who I saw at the mall!" Seokjin suddenly realized and cursed at his short attention span, "I saw Mr. Park with a friend."

"Mr. Park has friends?"

Seokjin tried to stop himself from laughing, "Well, they looked like they were friends. I didn't approach him because.. then he'll know I'm not 'sick'."

"Ah, good point. Anyways, I'll see you- or not, at work. I have to go."


Seonwoo pulled up at the familiar three story house parched on the top of the small hill. He left as soon as he got the call from Jimin's parents. They asked him predictable questions such as how the date was, or if he was considering Jimin's hand in marriage.

Except, Seonwoo told them he wanted to talk to them in-person about the date; and said he had more to tell than just those two things. Jimin's parents obviously expected the best due to Seonwoo's unrivaled enthusiasm, but were about to be disappointed.

"You must be Seonwoo." Greeted the gentleman as he opened the front gates, "Let me walk you in."

Seonwoo didn't say anything in response and merely followed the butler inside the house. A smirk formed on his face when he thought about how he could get revenge on Jimin. Besides, the younger was practically his anyways, he just has to come to terms with it sooner or later.

He saw Jimin's parents waiting in a nearby couch and politely smiled before making his entrance.

"You look wonderful my dear."

"Thank you Mrs. Park." Said Seonwoo and drifted his attention to both of the parents, "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Of course." Said Mr. Park as he sipped his morning coffee, "I was wondering what was so important that you wanted to talk to us this early, in person of course."

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