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"What happened?"

"I don't know! I was helping out a customer until I saw someone run away with a stuffed animal, and then people started screaming."

The police looked concerned but confused at the same time, it's not everyday someone runs away with a stuffed animal out of all things. 

"Where you did last see the person?"

"O-Over there!" The cashier pointed to the exit.

The chief looked towards the exit and started to run when he saw a man with a black jacket sprinting out of the kids toy store.

"You stop right there young man-"

Yoongi obviously didn't say as word as he darted out from the store, causing loud gasps and commotion to emerge from the crowd outside. He wore a slight smirk on his lips that was invisible because of his mask. Yoongi tsked as he saw the sirens light up, this was child's play for him.

Well.. maybe not. Yoongi ran faster onto the streets, hiding the stuffed animal inside his sweater which was ripped on the ends.

He heard the sirens get louder, he got a bit worried so he took a sharp turn into an alleyway and got out from the other side to get a head start. But he wasn't that that lucky. Yoongi realized that when he saw the police cars nearly pulling up into the street HE was standing in.

Yoongi muttered incoherent words and tried to think of a plan. He quickly turned his back to the street, sat down, and opened his bag which mainly consisted of knives but it had a few things he could use. He pulled out a leather jacket and a circular hat, putting them both on in the blink of an eye to hide his identity. He shoved the pink bunny into his bag and looked at it. Was all of this really worth it for a stuffed bunny?

It sure was.

Yoongi luckily spotted a nearby girl who was a good distance away from him. Yoongi sighed and regretted this one more time before running up to her and pretending to have a conversation. Hopefully the police won't suspect a thing.

And in how much time did Yoongi manage to do all this? 6 seconds. Not that he was counting.

"What the hell are you doing??" She whispered angrily as she tried to shove Yoongi away.

Yoongi finally looked up and showed her his face. Rich was written all over her, Yoongi could see it in the posture and clothes. He took his mask off. Her breath stopped immediately when she saw him, he sighed, "I'm really, really sorry for this mam. But I really need to do this. It's a matter of life and death. Don't get close to me, but could you cover me please?"

She then stayed in place, not because she wanted to help, but because she was in shock; she was quiet for the whole time until the police cars passed the area and went to look somewhere else.

Yoongi sighed in relief and pulled away from the girl. Now he wondered.. how could he return the favor? He noticed she was still partially shocked, and moved further away out of politeness. 

"Miss, how about I take you out for coffee later this week? You kind of saved me today."

She raised an eyebrow, "No way. You could be a kidnapper for all I know." 

Yoongi gave her a smile and bowed, "I understand where you're coming from. I'll be on my way then."

She was able to slightly glance at the man's face as he started to walk away, and couldn't help but blush.

Besides, if he wanted to harm her, he would've done it already, or maybe even force her to comply and go with him instead of walking away.

She soon realized she actually wanted to accept his offer, but Yoongi was already a good distance away from her. So she had to shout.

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