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"Are we almost there?" The younger asked for the fourth time.

"You sound excited considering how many times you've asked me that. But I already told you, my place isn't anything special."

Jimin didn't tell him that it wasn't his house Jimin wanted to see, but he was looking forward to the time they would spend together. He raised an eyebrow, "You didn't answer my question though."

"Well we're here."


Yoongi chuckled as he pulled over into the familiar shop, "We've arrived."

Jimin failed to hide his surprise as he stared at the shop, "But.. this isn't a house."

The older smiled softly, with a slight hue of sadness, "I live inside this shop, Jimin. A friend lets me and my brother live here in exchange for a small amount of rent. We have to go inside the shop to see."

Jimin nodded and felt embarrassed at himself for even asking that question. He hoped Yoongi didn't get the wrong idea.

He felt another hand wrap around his own as he unconsciously walked inside the store, only focusing on the touch.

Yoongi then led him to a secret staircase which was way behind the actual building. Jimin held the older's hand tighter as he questioned his decisions. It's like the skeptical side of him completely disappeared when he was around Yoongi, leading him to trust the older at all costs.

Once the stars ended, Jimin saw a streak of moonlight coming out of a square window placed at the very top of the small compartment. He immediately started looking around the place observing every little detail. Suddenly a smile formed at the corners of his lips.


"Welcome to my humble home. It's not the most elaborate, but it's cozy." He began to say, not noticing that he interrupted Jimin's words.

"I love it Yoongi."

The older audibly hummed in confusion.

"You.. do? Why?"

"Because it feels like home even though this is my first time being here." Jimin looked around more and he immediately ran up to a wall, "And I love these pictures too. Are these your parents?"

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle as Jimin rambled on and on about the characteristics of his home, "That picture is an old one."

"When was it taken?" Jimin said as he observed the picture, "You look adorable."

"Adorable is a unique way to put it." Yoongi said as he walked up behind Jimin, "And the picture was taken when I was around 13."

While he spoke, he carefully took of the black coat Jimin had on and folded it.

The younger couldn't take his eyes of the various pictures of Yoongi and his parents. So much that he failed to realize what happened.

"You need to eat, Jimin." The older hummed, "Sit down on the table, and I'll get you something."

Jimin was flattered, "It's alright. I'm just sleepy, not hungry."

"You and me both." Yoongi said, "But I insist."

Jimin shook his head yet again, "I'm okay. It's really alright."

The older ended up closing the fridge door before walking up his closet, "You need clothes, no way in hell you're sleeping in that."


Jimin didn't even think about something like this.

"Don't worry, I have clothes."

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