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Yoongi was enthusiastic as he got out of bed, this would be his first job in years, but only if he lands it.

He made sure to properly comb his hair and wore the best shirt he had. Yoongi was never overly concerned about fashion and he never had to attend in glamorous events, so as a result he didn't have anything that was up to the mark but he made it work, somehow.

He let out a long breath as he began to tie his shoes, his phone resting in his pocket. It was funny because most people would be excited to be out of work during the weekends, while he was excited about the opposite. He had his reasons of course.

Yoongi was familiar with the street the restaurant was in, but he never considered going there. Maybe he considered it way out of his league.

Right before he left, he scribbled down something on a piece of paper and folded it until it was sufficient enough to fit in his pocket.

Yoongi then went upstairs into the main floor of Rain's shop and slipped the note behind the counter. Hopefully the man didn't have to run any errands because Yoongi was going to borrow his motorcycle like usual.

It didn't take long for the older to arrive in front of the restaurant, people say time slows down when you're looking forward to something but surprisingly that wasn't what happened.

Yoongi parked the vehicle in a nearby parking lot before walking towards the main entrance of the restaurant, the closer he was the more nervous he became. Not nervous, but rather intimidated. He had never attempted to work at place this fancy before.

Like he expected, the sign hanging in front of the door said "closed", but the owner told him to come at seven specifically.

Yoongi knocked on the glass door, hoping someone would hear him.

His phreriphical vision spotted a young woman walking towards the door from the far corner of the restaurant, judging by her attire, she looked like a waiter.

He smiled and blurted out a "Thank you" once she opened the door for him. Yoongi assumed that he had to wait, but the woman started talking to him.

"Are you the new soon-to-be employee?" She asked with a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"I don't know if we can say that yet." Yoongi answered truthfully.

She nodded at his answer and went back to cleaning a nearby table.

Yoongi hated this silence, it made him feel awkward and even worse- anxious.

"Do you work here before the store opens? You're the only person in here, as far as I see."

She turned to look at him, and paused before answering, "I work extra hours and help the boss set up the tables beforehand. Our morning shift workers are supposed to arrive soon." She suddenly stopped working, "Do you want me to get the boss for you?"

"No it's fine, he can take his time." Answered Yoongi, tapping his foot anxiously.

"What's your name?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he glanced at her, he didn't want to be rude but it's not like he went around telling everyone his name.

"Min Yoongi."

"Shin Yoora."

"Our names sound similar, don't you think?"

A chuckle escaped the girl's lips after that comment, "They do."

Right at that moment Yoongi saw the kitchen doors open, a man with an apron coming out of the room. He seemed to squint his eyes as he observed Yoongi, "You're here for the interview, I assume."

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