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Yoongi nervously went up the stairs of the restaurant where yesterday's incident took place. He didn't know why the owner had called him so early in the morning, and the tone of his voice sounded like he was angry. He also had to leave Jimin which was always a mood killer.

He had an anxious expression on his face when he knocked on the entrance of the restaurant, which currently read 'closed'. But the owner had called him over anyway, so he must be inside.

The door was opened by Yoora who almost dropped her broom when she saw him.

"Your shift doesn't start yet." Was all she said and avoided eye-contact.

"I was called over by the boss." Answered Yoongi, "I thought you might know why."

Yoora couldn't hide it for long.

"A customer entered the restaurant a bit earlier to speak to the boss. He said he wanted to file a complaint."

Yoongi knew he should be on his way, but he couldn't stop his curiosity, "Who was it?"

"The man you  were supposed to serve yesterday, but instead you left the restaurant and never came back." She said in a harsh tone, "I know you were only working for experience, and not for money, but that doesn't give you the right to treat a customer that way."

The older's heart fell when he realized who the person might be.

He gulped, "I can't keep the boss waiting then." And he immediately left Yoora's sight.

"By the way, the customer's still there." Warned the waitress, a bit too late.

On the other hand, Yoongi was still clueless to what was going to happen to him even with the details from Yoora. When he spotted the boss's room, he noticed the door was slightly open- And he heard talking.

Which meant there were two people.

"He's supposed to arrive in a few minutes so we can interrogate. We can't believe your other claim yet despite the evidence. However, he will be punished for ruining a customer's experience." 

Yoongi recognized this voice, it was the owner's. What did he mean by other  claim? The owner continued to speak.

"Why isn't it possible to believe yet, sir?"

Now that voice is what made Yoongi's breath stop.

"Because there are many other possible reasons why the person who was with you suddenly disappeared. Your only claim is that the waiter was the last person who saw him, which unfortunately- isn't enough to draw a conclusion. Besides, what's the big deal anyway if the person you were with is alright now?"

Yoongi knew exactly what the customer complained about, and also slightly thankful that the owner was defending him (even though it's true). That fucker is definitely trying to get him fired- Though Yoongi would give him credit for figuring out a way catch a glimpse of who he was so that he knows who exactly Jimin left with.

He continued to listen.

"The person I was with was CEO Park. I can give you his number and he, himself will confirm that he was here. If an unknown person like your waiter somehow got ahold of him, then that's a big deal."  Argued the man.

This guy surely knows how to put up a fight. Yoongi smirked, he knew exactly what to do. Though his plan had a good chance of backfiring, it would be worth it to see the annoying look on that guy's face.

He pulled out his face mask from his back pocket. He only used it when he was.. well stealing. But right now seemed like a good opportunity to put it to use. He had to cover his face aft

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