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"So I assume it's settled then, Mr. Park?"

Jimin nodded politely and stood up from the office chair, "It was a pleasure talking with you Dr. Choi."

The CEO left without another word and exited the room. This was the room where him and Dr. Choi were discussing the bills. He was met with an agitated Yoongi the moment he closed the doors.

"Where were you? And why did you leave without telling me?"

"Dr. Choi just wanted to discuss the fees." Said Jimin, "In her own office room."

Yoongi's face didn't show any expressions, he was trying to hide something, Jimin knew it.

"Is there something wrong?" Asked the CEO?

"Nothing. Nothing at all." The thief replied quickly, "We should leave now."

Jimin nodded silently and followed the man to the elevator and soon to the exit sign. He was met with a bright ray of sunlight the moment he walked out of the hospital, and squinted his eyes.

"Park Jimin."


Jimin suddenly stopped, "Again, is there anything wrong?"

"Don't make this harder than it already is, Jimin."

The CEO was super confused about what Yoongi was talking about, he needed context. And the way Yoongi kept repeating his name made him feel weak.

"What do you mean?"

Yoongi finally regained his usual posture and tone of voice, "What I'm saying is that you've done a big favor for me today. It wouldn't be an exaggeration if I say you lifted a burden off of my shoulders."

Jimin's lips formed a small smile.

I knew it.

"Because of that." Yoongi sighed and reached his hand out, and Jimin didn't hesitate to hold it, "I'm willing to reconsider that offer of yours."

A loud gasp fell from Jimin's lips, and his face turned red for the millionth time that day.

"It doesn't take much to make you blush, does it?"

"A-Are you serious? All this time, I thought this would be the last thing you'd do-"

"I mean it, Jimin." Said Yoongi, "I'll be your fake boyfriend."

"I need to take you to my office, right now. We need to discuss."

Yoongi chuckled before walking towards Jimin's car, "Of course you need to plan everything out. And you can finally get back at your sister."

"That's not the reason I'm doing it!" Lied Jimin, partly.

"Right. You're doing it because I'm hot, admit it already." Said the older, "No way in hell you would actually fall in love with someone like me."

Jimin laughed at his words, "Humble much?"

Yoongi sighed, "Look Jimin, no one wants to go out with someone that partially steals for a living. That's also why I didn't accept your offer in the first place."


"Don't worry, I'll be your fake boyfriend for the time being. We just need to find a place to discuss."


"Seokjin, you killed it at that meeting! The boss has to give you a promotion now!"

Seokjin brushed off his friend's compliments, "It wasn't that amazing, Hoseok."

"Those insiders were brutal, and you managed to deal with all of their remarks perfectly. It takes guts to do that." Hoseok checked his watch, "Shit. I'm late for a team meeting. See you later?"

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