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Yoongi licked his lips in a slow monotonous pace, the side of his face was against the cold rough floor while his hair was scattered all over. His feet were tied up, and his hands were taped with duct tape.

It has been over an hour since Yoongi was shoved into Jimin's car and brought to his office. But he didn't know that. How would he? He wasn't even conscious.

The media was of course asking Park Jimin questions about the random man his bodyguard chased down. Thank god Yoongi always wore a mask that half covered his face, unless when he's speaking.

Jimin of course took off the mask later on.

He locked the doors and shoved his keys into his pocket. He then on sat on the leather seat of his office chair, the only sound in the room was the sound of keys from his computer. Jimin occasionally checked on the random man tied up on his floor before going right back to sending emails.

Out of context, this would've looked so different.

He didn't want to imagine how.

Jimin suddenly heard groans and stood up from his chair immediately, he saw the man's eyes squint and his face showed an obvious sign of pain. But Jimin didn't care. Yoongi had something of his.

Yoongi finally opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was jet black shoes with small heels. He slightly gasped, this wasn't his home, it wasn't like any place he'd been to.

Yoongi's first instinct would be to stand up, but he couldn't as the rope and tape restrained him. He heard a chuckle. Yoongi's eyes wandered and tried to figure out where the laugh was coming from.

It was that damn kid. Yoongi's eyes widened.

Of course!

Glass windows, leather seats, black shoes, and a suit which probably costed more than him. 

"And why am I here?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

Jimin just walked, taunting him even more, "I don't know.. Weren't you that thief who ran away with my bag yesterday?"

"You did all this for a fucking bag??" Yoongi spat out, "You could buy another hundred of those in your sleep! And aren't you supposed to be some hotshot CEO, and like check files or something?"

Jimin rolled his eyes.

He stopped walking and looked at Yoongi, "I can kill you right this second, don't get too comfortable."

Yoongi scoffed, "What are you going to do, throw some paper clips at me?" He smirked.

Jimin groaned, "Fuck you, I have a gun."

"Of course you do." Said the thief nonchalantly, "I can show you how to use it if you untie me."

"I'm not falling for your cheap tricks, not again," Jimin grumbled out, "Now, you're going to return my bag, or else."

"Speaking of cheap.." He eyed the area, "Duct tape, Park Jimin?"

Jimin stared him down, "What's wrong with duct tape?"

"You aren't as smart as you think you are, everyone knows the duct tape trick by now."

Jimin was nervous, "Wh-What trick?"

Yoongi tsked at the younger's ignorance, "I don't know... Maybe this?"

He pulled both of his arms in a downward motion, very fast. And the result made Jimin let out a gasp and immediately search for his gun.

Yoongi also untied his legs. And he managed to do all that in the span of 4 seconds, not that he was counting.

Jimin stepped back and held up his gun straight at Yoongi, "I have this! Don't come near me."

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