Sleep Over

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Sarah watched in fear as a giant girl revealed her hiding place. He readied her weapon as the hand approached her. She danced back and forth trying to avoid being grabbed. But Ava was determined, she grabbed at Sarah and was stabbed by her thumb tack. This drew blood. Ava got mad, "Ahh! You bitch!" She said at the sight of the blood. She then thrust her at Sarah, hitting her like a bus. Sarah collapsed before being snatched up by Ava, and stuffed into her tight, small, stuffy pocket.

Jake sat in the house frustrated as the two girls stomped off. Soon John walked in and saw him. "Hey man, what's wrong?"

Jake looked at him just coming down from his anger, well, you see, I shouldn't be mad, because I think this is pretty obvious, but I wanna be normal size again." Jake said hanging his head.

John let out a little laugh, "C'mon man, you have to admit, this is pretty sweet though. We don't have to do anything, we can sit around all day and do whatever we like. Not only that but we get all the food we could ever want, and that's not to mention all the attention we get from the ladies..." He said with a slight smirk.

"I guess those are all good things, but there isn't much we can do, I feel so helpless all the time, like a couple minutes ago I was manhandled by someone that usually I would have been able to defend myself against no problem! It was humiliating..." As Jake finished his sentence Claire came into the room.

"What's goin on with Jake?" She asked John.

John replied, "He isn't to happy with how Rachel's friend treated him, and he want's to be normal size again."

Claire sat down next to Jake and spoke to him. "Ya know, I get that. I hate being small... Mostly because I'll never be able to truly do what I want. People would always say 'chase your dreams', but now that I'm small, that's not possible..."

"I don't think that's my problem," Jake said, "I just feel so hopeless and weak, as if the world is beating me down. This feels like the worst punishment possible. We are living at the mercy of those around us, if they wanted to they could end us without a second thought."

"Do you not trust Rachel?" John asked.

"I trust her, not so much her friend though..." Jake said, "And who knows how many other people she'll show us off to, we're her pets, we're nothing but dogs to her. Soon she'll start playing fetch with us..."

"I think dogs have it pretty well though." John said. "All they have to do is sit there and look cute. It's all a matter of perspective, even the worst situations can be good if you just look on the bright side!"

Claire responded with no hesitation. "There isn't a bright side to watching your dreams die."

"I'm sorry guys, I'm just trying to help." John said somewhat defeated.

Just then there was a stomping sound as Rachel came back into the room, the ground shook as she got closer and closer to the house. Soon she was crouching down and her blond hair covered the windows like overgrown vines on the house. "Hey there little guys!" She said happily, and with a smile. "I've got a little treat for you" She bent over and placed down a pasta noodle. To her it was normal size, but to the three tinies, it was massive... It was the size of an air vent, and they could crawl inside it as if there were in an action movie.

"Also, another treat, Ava is going to be spending the night!" With this Rachel sat back against her bed, her feet towards the doll house. The tines all looked at each other in fear. Who knew what Ava might do to them... She didn't seem safe to be around.

Soon Ava skipped cheerfully back into the room and sat down next to Rachel. She pointed at and counted Jake, John, and Claire. All three of them were accounted for and inside the doll house. She smiled before leaning in close to the three standing next to the noodle that was given to them.

Ava's face was now magnified and she got so close that they could not only smell her breath, but feel the hot wind push them as she spoke. "I'm sorry about before little guys, I might've been too mean, or harsh with you."

The three looked at each other not sure what to think. But they decided better safe than sorry. Soon they began to eat, taking bites out of the giant noodle. John climbed inside of it while they ate, "Hey guys look at me!" The two of them laughed, as did the giant women watching.

"They're so cute!" Ava exclaimed.

"I know right!" Rachel followed up as John blushed.

Soon all three of them had finished eating and they headed ack inside the doll house. Once inside they softly spoke to one another.

"I still don't trust Ava." Claire said.

"I don't either." Jake replied. "I think for our safety we should try to stay inside for the rest of the night."

"Yeah," John added, "That's probably for the best."

So they did, the tinies hid inside their little dollhouse. The plastic walls giving them the illusion of protection from the two giants outside. They hid behind walls and kept to themselves while the girls had fun watching movies and playing games. Until eventually, Rachel fell asleep.

Ava saw her friend asleep and walked over to the dollhouse. She peaked in though the windows. "Hey, you guys are still awake aren't you." They all slowly looked up at her from inside. "Don't worry, I was serious about not hurting you guys. Rachel is my friend, and it's obvious she cares a lot about you guys. If I hurt you guys, I'd be hurting her. So don't you guys dare hurt her, or else I'll eat ya!" She giggled, but the three tiny people didn't find it all to humorous.

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