Animal Instincts

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Jake awoke in a fit of panic, his eyes shot open and the ground felt troubled. He immediately sat up and rubbed his eyes. He felt the ground shake, then go still. However soon after another, slightly more ferocious tremor sent chills down his spine. He began to look around, but his eyes were still adjusting to the dim morning skyline. Another shake... they were getting worse and worse, like pulses of earthquakes.

Soon his eyes adjusted and he saw what was causing this mighty ground to shake. It was a human, seemingly in their twenties, going for a morning jog. With every step that collided with the ground, Jake felt the ground beneath him move.

He watched the person jog by him without a care in the world. But to him, he had just seen a giant... almost a hundred times his size, the young man seemed to be a mighty warrior guarding a castle in the clouds. He looked like something from a fairy tale, yet this was real life for Jake. Jake watched as the man ran off down the street and the shaking quickly came to a complete stop.

Jake began to walk down the sidewalk, funny he was using it for how it was intended, even at his current size. Who knows, maybe someone would see him? He made sure to walk as close to the grass as possible, to make sure he didn't get stepped on by any passers by.

He began the long journey towards his hope for survival and a normal life again. He knew it was going to be a long and hard one, but he didn't realize just how long. It seemed as if he had been walking for miles and he couldn't even see where the concrete turned. But never the less, he continued onward.

Eventually, at about midday, he decided it was best to take a break. So he did. After hours of walking and hiding from giants, he stopped to take a breather. He felt the ground shake again. Someone else was coming. He didnt mind, they'd probably just ignore him again. He lay back and used the shaking ground as if it were a massage on his back.

But then, he heard a sound that scared him. There was a loud barking sound. He turned around and saw that the person walking towards him had a dog. He stood up in panic as the 30 foot animal looked directly at him. It could see him.

The beast ran over to him and slowly approached him. Jake was terrified, he wasnt sure that the dog had planned; he just hopped it wasnt hungry. The dog put its nose up to Jake, the nose of the dog alone was as large as a bus. It gave two good sniffs. Its nostrils inhaled air that felt like the strongest winds Jake had ever felt, he half expected to be sucked into the dogs nose as if it was a vacuum. Jake turned his head and froze in fear.

"C'mon boy" the owner said as he yanked the dog away leaving Jake unharmed and the dog barking at seemingly nothing.

And without the dog to worry about, Jake continued onward.

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