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John was scared. The dark area he was in was warm and moved up and down. The rough denim that entrapped him hugged him from every angle like a sandpaper coffin. He was still a little fuzzy on what happened. He tried to think back...

He remembered Valerie looking at him funny, seemingly upset. He remembered turning and running as she reached for him. He remembered being shoved in her pocket and taken away. He would scream for help but he didn't want to get swatted at again...

So there he sat, curled up and hiding from the giant mistress that snatched him away from his owner, his landlord, or his friend.

Soon they arrived at what John could only assume to be Valeries home.

John was quickly pulled from Val's pocket and tossed on a desk. He looked around. The room was very basic, extra clean, but the thing that struck him most was that there was another tiny sitting on the desk... it was Alex from before....

"What did you tell him!" Valerie screamed.

"Wh-What?" Alex whimpered.

"What..." Valerie got closer to him. "Did you tell him?"

"N-Nothing!" Alex stammered. "I didn't tell him anything at all!"

Valerie slammed her finger down on his chest, Alex screamed and gasped for air as he was pushed forcefully into the hard wood surface of the desk.

"Okay! Okay!" He yelled as Valerie lifted her finger. "I told him my name!" He cried.

"And that was it?" Valerie interrogated. "You're being honest right? You know what happens to naughty tinies who disobey me!" She said licking her lips.

"Yes! That was it! I also told them how beautiful you were my goddess!" Alex cried as he got down on his hands and knees and began to worship the giant girl before him. Valerie got a proud look on her face as she reached out and picked up Alex.

"So you're sure there was nothing more?" She said.

"No goddess! Nothing at all!" Alex said half confidently.

"Well then..." Valerie opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and dangled Alex above her gaping maw. "Then how did they know about the hospital?" She said wiggling her tongue back and forth. "Tell me! Or I'll drop you!"

Alex panicked at the sight of the massive mouth, the saliva dripping from the roof. As he gazed at her uvula he managed to spew out an answer. "I don't know! I really dont! Please I didnt say anything!"

She began to slowly lower him towards her mouth. "Please! No ! Please! Oh my god don't eat me!" He begged and begged as he was lowered into the mouth. Then the fingers that were holding him split, and Alex was scooped up by Valerie's tongue, and sent straight down her throat.

"Ahhh!" She said opening her mouth and showing it to John. He slowly backed up before backing into Valerie's hand. "Now, do you see what happens when you disobey me?" She said.

John nodded.

"Now, you are going to tell me how you and Rachel knew about the hospital."

John thought for a moment if he should tell or now... but then Valerie went to grab him. "Okay okay! There are more tinies than just me! There's me, Jake, Claire, Sarah and Charlie! Charlie passed away and I'm not sure what Sarah's up to these days. But we all went to the same hospital and then shrunk and we just thought that it couldn't be a coincidence!" John bust out. Valerie smiled before picking him up, and tossing him into a box she kept on her bedroom floor. It was dark, and John lay there defeated and scared...

The Ladybird Prince Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin