Good Morning

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"Hey,  wake up!" a soft voice murmured. Jake rolled over and went back to sleep. "C'mon guy! Get up!" Next thing he new he was shook violently.

"Alright alright! Im up! Whats going on!" Jake rubbed his eyes as he sat up from the dust bunny he had been sleeping on.

It was Claire, she had a smile on her face. "C'mon new guy, you, are gonna help me get water today! Because we are almost out."  She grabbed him and pulled him up. She dragged him over to what looked like a small tree trunk made of plastic. It was a tube of chapstick. She slapped it and said, "This bad boy is what we use to keep water, we fill 'er up. Then just drink from it whenever thirsty. And since you're the new guy, you and I need to go and fill it up." She kicked the tube over then wrapped her arms around it.

"Well... c'mon! Get a grip!" She yelled as Jake got into position. "Okay! And lift!" The two hoisted the chapstick like it was a log used for working out.

"This is actually lighter than I thought!" Jake exclaimed.

"Thats because its empty... other than some water for us to drink on our way there."  Claire said as she nodded towards the open room floor. "C'mon! Lets go! Before she wakes up!"

"Wait what time is it?!" Jake asked with a yawn.

"Oh its super early, but we need all the time we can get!" Claire exclaimed. "This is a day long trip! I hope youre ready!" The two then set off crying this tube of chapstick the size of a tree trunk, they departed from the camp, and entered the kitchen.

From there they moved on over towards the living room. "We wanna stay close to the walls." Claire said as they crossed the open hallway.

"How come?" Jake questioned as they stopped to take a drink from the tube they were carrying.

"Well... when someone walks down a hallway, or through a door, they usually don't put their feet right up against the wall..."

"Ohhhh...." the sudden realization occurred to Jake. "So we dont get... stepped on..." 

"Yeah...." for once Claires cheery attitude slowly faded away, "I've seen it happen..."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah," she continued, "you aren't the first new guy, and Sarah wasn't the first one here..."

"Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't know..." Jake apologized.

"Its okay..." Claire said as the two continued on.

Eventually Rachel woke up. By this time the two tinies were in the hallway, almost to their destination. The ground shook as she walked by them sleepily and into a door on their left.

"Perfect!" Claire said, "She's going into the bathroom, she'll take a shower, then we can pick up some of the excess water!"

The two continued until they reached the closed door of the bathroom. Inside they could hear water running that sounded like a waterfall, they could also hear Rachels off key singing as she scrubbed herself clean.

Soon enough the door swung open with a massive gust of wind and a girl on nothing but a towel excited. She walked into a room at the back of the hall and shit the door. As she walked she left puddles of dripping water where he feet had stepped.

"Alright quick!" Claire said as she rushed them over to one of the massive puddles of water that had a footprint in the middle.

"WAIT! Were drinking her feet water?!? Ewww!!" He exclaimed thinking about the water he'd already had.

"Clean foot water!" Claire smiled as she pushed the tube to scoop up some water. And soon the two were using their hands to scoop the water up and put it into the massive tube until eventually, it was full.

The two then began the trip back. Which was much more grueling and intense as now the tube was full of water. As they were starting the trip home Rachel came back out of her room, fully dressed this time, and left the house.

Just as the two were coming back to the camp, they could hear the door open as Rachel returned from her daily activities. "Aaand we're home!" Claire said as she set the tube up where it was before and plopped down on a pile of dust bunnies. She kicked back and started to relax.

"Good work you two!" John complimented them, as everybody else gave a thank you.

Jake was tired, and he wasnt sure if he wanted to keep on living like this... but he was still alive and well, and that was enough for him to feel comfortable as he drifted off to sleep.

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