The Truth

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Ava woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of fabric rustling around and groaning. She turned to the person next to her and saw him clawing at his chest. Ava whispered to him, "I'm sorry, it's gonna be okay, you don't deserve this." And then Ava watched as his body began to shrink, all at once he went from 6'4" to 2"

Ava bent down and cupped him in her hands. He was crying and panicking. "Shhhh, it's okay" Ava said as she bent down and gave the tiny man in her hands a kiss. She then tucked him away safely in her purse that was lying on the floor. "Don't worry, this will all make sense soon." She said to him.

It was not long after that Valerie came into the room. She leaned into the bed and began to search for presumably the tiny man. She searched through the sheets, under the bed, and on the surrounding tables and chairs. She found nothing. "You're up late" Valerie said to Ava.

"I don't feel good, I can't sleep." Ava replied.

"Well, I know how I can make you feel better, one of these shots is the cure to a very common virus thats been going around, it'll make that pain feel like nothing!" Valerie said, "I'll be back in the morning to help you with that."

Ava was scared, she immediately sent a text to Rachel. "Rachel... we need to talk."

John and Nicole sat in the dark corner of Valentine's box. Shunned by the rest of the tinies. They heard a car pull up to the driveway, it was Valerie. They all knew what would happen next, she would probably want a snack before bed, especially after a long day at work.

Next thing they knew the top of the box was ripped off and there was Valerie, licking her lips in excitement. She looked into the box and began to point at tiny people. "Hmmm... which do I want?" She said twirling her hair.

John watched in horror as she looked at him and her face lit up. "You!" She said grabbing him.

"L-Look can't we talk about this?" He said as bravely as he could.

"Well, I dont think you're in a position to say anything?" Valerie chuckled.

"No but I am," came a voice from behind as Ava had secretly followed Valerie home. Next thing Valerie knew, there was a needle full of green bubbly liquid jammed into her throat.

Valerie screamed and fell to the ground. She had been given a higher dose than most, so it was quick working. She grabbed her stomach in pain.

"John?!" Valerie said excitedly.

"Valerie?!" John exclaimed, while not who he was expecting, he was excited to be saved.

Valerie grabbed John just as Valerie shrunk down to size. She was now but 2 inches tall. She screamed and shook her fist. Ava bent over and grabbed her tiny body. "Well, looks like someones going to get what they deserve."

Ava then looked over and saw a shoe box that said "food" written on it. Out of pure curiosity she opened it and saw a huge crowd of tiny people. "Oh my god.." Ava said as most of the tiny people began to hurl insults at her, calling her rude names and telling her to leave. Ava held up the now shrunken Valerie. They cheered before going back to scolding her. "You bigs are all the same!" They yelled. John pointed out Nicole. Nicole was smiling at Ava, Ava gently bent down and picked her up. With John and Nicole in one hand, then Valerie in the other, Ava began to cry, she thought she was saving these people, but they were just rude to her. With only the three tiny people, she ran out of the house.

She gently placed John and Nicole between her breasts. She also, not so gently, shoved Valerie into her shorts pocket. Ava called Rachel. "Rachel..." Ava said still sniffling from the hurtful comments of the other tinies. "I found them, I found them all. John is safe."

"You did it Ava, you saved him!" Rachel said. "If i could hug you right now I would squeeze you till you can't breathe!" Rachels cheery voice helped to bring Ava to a more realistic understanding of what happened. John and Nicole looked up at her.

"You saved our lives..." they said, "how can we ever repay you?"

She was flattered and flustered. "Just get home safe!" Ava said with a smile as she began to drive them all home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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