Rachel and Claire

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Rachel walked down the hallway and took a left, she carefully carried John and Claire with her down the long hallway. As they walked Rachel looked around. Most things looked normal, there were rooms, doctors, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then there was a voice from behind. "HEY! RACHEL!" Rachel turned around and saw Valerie.

"Hey Val, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm a nursing major, so I spend a lot of time here, for class and as a volunteer." She replied.

"Ahh that makes sense!" Rachel said.

"What are you doing here?" Val asked.

"Well... theres been some weird things happening." She began as she got closer to whisper. "And we think it might have to do with the hospital..."

"Oh no what makes you think that?" Valerie replied.

"Well, you know the tinies? One of them, he checked in here and was pronounced dead shortly after, but that didn't happen... he was shrunk..." Rachel concluded after whispering to Valerie.

"Thats crazy talk." Val replied.

"No I swear!" Rachel said.

"So what exactly are you looking for?" Valerie asked.

"I'm not sure," Rachel said, "Is there anything thats been out of the ordinary recently?"

"Well..." Valerie thought to herself, "there has been one thing, come with me." Rachel followed her friend into a room. The room looked like a normal patient's room. "There have been things disappearing from this room, I thought it was haunted but if you think something else is going on, maybe we could have a look around?"

"Good idea! And maybe the tinies could help us!" Rachel said as she set John and Claire down on the counter in the room. "Let's start looking for anything off."

Rachel and Valerie began to tear the room apart, Rachel searched near the entrance and Valerie searched near the bed in the room. John and Claire began to look around on top of the counter. They saw giant sets of test tubes, a box of gloves. But then Claire saw something she thought odd.

She approached what appeared to be a hole in the wall. She got on her hands and knees and crawled through it. When she got in the light that crept through hardly lit up anything, but she could still feel a path beneath her feet. She began to walk down a small and narrow path that was built inside the wall. Soon enough she made it to the bottom of a downward ramp. She heard a voice, "WHOS THERE?" They seemed scared.

"Umm, hello? My name is Claire." She said.

"Don't hurt us! Please!" Yet another female voice said.

Claire couldn't see anyone, but she heard a set of footsteps walking towards her. She turned around and ran. She ran up the downward ramp and back up to the hole she came from. Her heart pounder in her tiny ears as she got on her hands and knees and crawled back through the opening in the wall. She looked around and yelled. Then Rachel ran over to her.

"Rachel!" Claire screamed, "You wouldn't believe what I just found!"

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