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Ava spoke, "Man, I thought that we would have some fun, but it seems like you just wanna get out. I have an idea. Let's have a battle." She scrunched up her face in a fun way, preparing for what would be fun for Ava. "It'll be neat, and here's the thing, if you can manage to stay standing well then I'll let you go."

Sarah nodded her head. 

"Good, let's get started then!"  Sarah backed away from Ava's massive hand that was blocking her escape. She the watched as Ava cracked her knuckles and put her hand down on the desk. Ava then swept her arm from one side of the desk to the other. Sarah saw this and jumped over the hand as it came towards her, still fighting the pain in her legs. But she was still standing. 

Ava then took a finger and put it right up to Sarah and gave her a poke. She stumbled backwards but didn't fall. Then she looked to her right and saw another sweeping arm coming towards her. Sarah jumped and successfully evaded it. But then she looked up and saw Ava's face moving closer up to her, Ava laughed a tiny bit before opening her mouth and licking Sarah's tiny body. The massive tongue collided with her like a squishy, gooey truck. 

Ava licked her from head to toe, covering the tiny girls body in saliva. This caused Sarah to stumble and slip, eventually landing on her back. "Mmm... You taste pretty good..." 

Without wasting any time, Ava immediately went back to licking Sarah, pinning her tiny body to the ground as her tongue smothered her, licking every square inch of her poor body. Sarah screamed and struggled clawing at the desk trying to escape, but the gooey saliva made any escape futile. The pressure of Ava's massive tongue was suffocating and crushing. Sarah cried out but her screams were muffled by the massive meaty serpent that was pressing against her from seemingly all sides. 

Eventually, Ava pulled away with slobber dripping from her mouth, leaving Sarah defeated in a pool of it as she licked her lips and smiled. "You taste so good." Sarah began to cry. The tears from her eyes mixed with the saliva she was covered in.  "Well, looks like you lost!" Ava smiled. "That means I get my prize... and my prize, is a delicious snack!" 

Sarah was then snatched up almost instantaneously and Ava began to lick her again. "oh, you've turned salty all of a sudden. " She said as her tongue pressed against Sarah's body. "Wait, are you crying?" Ava said almost laughing. "Oh come on!" She dragged her tongue across Sarah's body again. The soft fleshy texture glided gently along her person, completely engulfing her. "Actually, ya know what. Keep crying you pathetic little pest, it tastes great!" 

Sarah struggled profusely as her frail body was pressed against the giantess' tongue yet again. "That's it! Scream!" Ava moaned as she slobbered all over the poor tiny girl who was struggling for her life. 

Ava continued to lick Sarah over, and over. It was becoming hard for Sarah to breath with how often the massive tongue was pressed against her body. She swallowed so much saliva she couldn't taste her own anymore. Eventually, after what felt like hours of torture, Sarah gave up and stopped struggling. 

"Given up huh?" Ava teased. "Then down tha hatch you go." Ava dangled Sarah by the heel above head. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. "Ahhhhh"

"Nooo!" Sarah cried as she struggled to free herself from the giantess' grasp. She gazed down at the pit before her. Normally it wouldn't look so scary, but she knew what lied beneath. Thee were also a lot of other things she didn't know. Would Ava chew her? Grind her into little bits with her teeth? Would she continue to torture her with her tongue before swallowing? Or would it be quick, one big gulp and Sarah's life was over. Sarah screamed and tried to escape. But it was no use, she only slowly lowered towards the gaping maw. 

However just when she thought it was over Sarah was pulled out. Confused, she thought maybe she was being spared. Until she was dangled again over the massive mouth. The same result occurred, she was given another few seconds of life. Sarah struggled and fought, wanting anything but being lowered to face the gooey, warm, wet, hell that was Ava's mouth. She could see saliva pooling and drops of spit falling from the floor of Ava's mouth and tongue. 

She was lowered again, but then pulled out. Ava was teasing her. "You sick bitch!" Sarah screamed. "You SADISTIC FREAK!" Ava screamed in a fit of tears and saliva running down her face. "You enjoy this torture! It turns you on doesn't it!" 

Ava's face turned a pale red as if she'd just been caught in a lie. "Shut up!" She was furious. "You should no better than to talk to a giantess like that! Now you're really gonna pay! Get in here!" She said as she shoved Sarah into her massive mouth and swallowed her whole, without a second thought. 

Sarah screamed as she was tossed into the warm dark confines of Ava's mouth. She fought against Ava's tongue but didn't even last two seconds before the soft, and gushy muscle forced backwards with such power and sent her plummeting down the throat of a giantess, screaming the entire way.

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