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"What do you mean you lost him?" Ava said standing up from her seat, when she stood Jake felt his stomach in his throat as if he was on a rollercoaster.

"I..." Rachel stuttered as tears filled. "I don't know! We were looking around, Clair found something, came to tell me, and when she did John was just gone!" She broke down.

"Look, we'll find him. We will, trust me." Ava said comforting her friend. "Because I found something that might help."

Just then someone came through the door, it was a security guard. "Excuse me but you two have to leave." He said to them, guiding then to the exit.

They made their way to Rachel's car and hopped in. Once inside, Ava pulled out the needle and the bag of liquid her and Jake found. "Check this out, we think this might be what they've been using to shrink people..." Ava said.

"I bet... some of the people are still there at the hospital... I found a colony or something inside a wall." Claire said.

"Oh wow..." Rachel said, "This is worse than we thought..."

"Wait... how many people do you think have gone missing? How many tiny people are there out there?" Jake asked.

"Oh boy..." Ava said, "How many people didn't make it out of there?"

"Well, regardless, we need to come back, but we should make a plan first." Claire added.

So they drove home, brainstorming plans the entire time, and debating what should be done. Once they got home Rachel jumped to her laptop and looked at the hospital records that were available online. "Woah.." Rachel gasped.

"What is it?" Ava asked.

"It seems like there's about a hundred and twenty people who have died in that hospital in the passed year." Rachel said.

"You dont think..."

"I do..."

"They were all shrunk..."

"Most likely..."

"So what do we do?" Ava said.

"I think theres only one real option." Rachel replied. "We need to save them, we gotta sneak into the hospital, find the tinies and break them out of there!"

"Alright," Ava continues, "but what do we do once we got them out?"

"Well..." Rachel thought for a moment, "we could give them back to their families. Then they could take care of them from there."

"Do you really think they'll let us into the hospital again?"

"Actually... I'm not sure.." Rachel said. "What if one of us checked into the hospital? Then not only would we be able to get in, but we could also witness what they're doing."

"That sounds risky," Ava smiled, "but I'm in!" She said as she looked down at the needle full of glowing green liquid. Ava had some testing to do.

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