The Visitor(s)

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There was a knock at the door. Rachel jumped up from where she was laying on the floor. As she ran off Jake could hear and feel her stomping away, even if to her it was just normal footsteps. Soon the ground shook again as she was headed back, only this time the sound was multiplied, much louded, quicker, and the vibrations through the ground were more frightful. Jake watched from one of the windows in the house. 

Soon he saw the bedroom door swing open, and to everyone's surprise there wasn't just one giant girl anymore, now there was two... Rachel had a friend over. They both crouched down over the house and Rachel spoke. "Hey, come on out guys, I want you to meet someone! This is my friend Ava!" Everyone looked up at her. Ava was shorter than Rachel, still massive to someone like Jake, but shorter nonetheless. She had dark black hair that was straight, she also had little pink clips that she used to keep her hair out of her face. Dispite this she had bangs that held down almost to her eyebrows. Not only was she smaller than Rachel but also thinner. 

The three tinies, Jake, John, and Claire all stepped out from the house and apraoched the two giant figures. 

"Waoh..." Ava said staring in awe at the three miniature sized humans. "They're real..." Ava said as she reached for one. 

Before he knew it, Jake was snatched up by Ava's giant greedy hand. Unlike Rachel who was gentle and soft, Ava's hand jolted Jake around as it shot him stright up into the air like a rollercoaster. He felt disoreinted and a litle sick to his stomach. 

"These are so cool..." Ava said. 

"Aren't they!" Rachel said gleefully. 

there was a short period of silence before Ava asked, "Are they edible..." 

Instant fear shot through Jake as he thought of all the horrors that statement could bring. Luckily for him there was a deafening "NO!" that came from Rachel as a response. 

"What? Common!" Ava teased. "You can't act like you aren't even a little curious?" 

"I'm not! That's my neighbor you're holding in your hand!" 

"Just a little taste?" Ava pleaded.

"Not a chance!" Rachel said as she grabbed her friends wrist, "Now, put him back down."  Ava obeyed and set Jake back down on the ground, only not so gently. Jake hit the ground and stumbled back before falling flat on his but.  "C'mon Ava, you gotta be gentle with them, they're small, and weak. Treat them like a little puppy." 

This comment angered Jake, he was not "weak" he got red and hot in the face. This only made the two girls giggle and stare at him. Rachel poked him, "hey, c'mon, I didn't mean it that way. I bet you're really tough, huh?" She smiled.

As her giant finger collided gently with his tiny body it felt like some soft battering ram had pushed him, he again fell to the ground. Only this time with his anger he stormed into the house and shut the door. The two girls just giggled at this. Then they began playing with the other two. 

Eventually after hours, the girls stood up and walked off. They headed into the kitchen to get something to eat, it was almost dinner after all. As they stood in the kitchen Ava spoke. "Wow, you were right, those little guys are very interesting..."

"They sure are, I'm glad you got to see them." Rachel replied.

"I still think it would be fun to try something... unconventional with them, see if they can take it, ya know?"

"I'm umm..." Rachel was hesitant, "I'm not so sure I catch your drift." 

"I just... I can't shake the feeling of eating them, it would be so funny! You'd plop them in your mouth like a piece of candy, they'd squirm about and flail around, it might actually feel good. You're not at least a little bit curious?"

"I might be, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna do it! I told them I was going to help them and I'm gonna keep my word! I'll help them get whatever it is they want! And I guarantee you, none of them want to bathe in stomach acids..." Rachel said with force.

"But are they really even human? I've never seen a real person that small before. And besides, where did they even come from, maybe they're using you?" Ava said nudging her friend. 

"How cou- They're two inches tall Ava, there's no way that could be the case. And besides, they have names. Not only that, but one of them was my neighbor. I didn't believe it at first, but if you go next door and check, well... He wasn't lying..." 

"Alright, I'm sorry. Can I ask you a question?" 

"What's up?"

"Do you think I could spend the night?" Ava said, "I'm having a great time, and I promise I would hurt any of your three little tinies." She said with puppy dog eyes.

"Alright why not, as long as you mean that." 

"I do! Have I ever broken my word? I just think they're so fascinating to watch!" Ava said. 

"You're right about that one!" Rachel said as she headed back towards her room.  

"I'll be right there, I'm gonna grab one last thing to snack on." Ava said as she reached down and opened one of the bottom cabinets. And to her surprise, what she found inside was a tiny little girl, holding what seemed to be a sort of weapon, maybe a broken part of a thumb tack? Ava smiled a crooked smile as she reached for Sarah's tiny body. 

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