New//Old Friends

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"well, I should be getting to class!" Rachel said as she stood up after staring at the doll house for what seemed like hours, she looked at the clock and panicked, "Oh no, I need to hurry!" Rachel wasted no time at all. She threw on some clothes and pushed her teeth before grabing a bagel on her way out, without even stopping to toast it. She hopped in her car and went on her way. 

All through the day Rachel could not stop thinking about her new friends, she was so excided while she sat in calss she had to tell one of her friends. She turned to her friend Ava. "Ava," She whispered. "wouldn't it be cool if there was someone who was just like us only really really small?" 

Ava looked at Rachel confused then thought for a while before smiling, "Alright, I guess that'd be pretty cool. Think of all the things you could do to them!"

"I know right?" Rachel responded, "They'd be like little tiny living dolls! Almost like little pets!" 

"Or," Ava smirked, "They could be like little slaves..." Her grin got even wider, "Oh my, imagine all the aweful things you could do to someone that small."

"That sounds horrible..." Rachel said as her mind began to race.

"What are you talking about? That sounds fun!" Ava said half joking. "Anyways why do you bring this up? That's kind of an oddly specific thing to mention. Is this from another one of those 'internet stories' you read?" 

"Why don't you come by my house later and see for yourself."  Rachel said with a wink. 

After class Rachel skipped happily to her car and hopped inside. She began to drive home. As she arived home, thoughts of tiny people still clouding her mind, she remembered something. One of the tinies had claimed to be her neighbor. Instead of parking her car infront of her house she stoppeed at Jake's house. She hopped out of her car and walked up to the door, she knocked.

There was no answer.

She knocked again but the same silence persisted. She slowly turned the knob and the door slowly creaked open. Inside the house was dark and musty. Rachel crept in ever so slowly before shutting the door behind her. She began to walk around and explore, and the house seemed vacant....

The kitchen had dirty dishes in the sink that were obviously old, similarly the bedroom had clothes on the floor that looked like they'd been in the same spot for weeks. The doors in the house had dust on the knobs, it was obvious that nobody had been here for a little while. That tiny, must be telling the truth. 

Rachel walked out of the house, spooked by its lonliness. She decided to walk across the lawn on her way to move her car. It was just then she noticed something strange. There was what looked like a scrap of paper on the grass, but when better examined it looked like one of the wrist bands you get at an amusement park. However this was not from some fun filled place with smiles and screams but rather this one was from the hospital. The tag read "Patient 258, First name: Jake." Rachel picked it up and put it in her pocket before moving her car to her own yard, then heading inside. 

Rachel threw her books onto her bed then plopped down on the floor right at the dollhouse and stared in. Inside she could count all three tinies just seemingly hanging out in on of the uper bedrooms. "Hey Jake?" Rachel asked. 

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Could you come outside for a second?" She said, her voice boomed in Jake's ear and he could feel the house shake ever so slightly with each and every one of her movements. 

Jake stepped out onto the tiny plastic patio in front of the doll house. 

"What's this?" Rachel said as she held up the tag from the hospital. 

Jake looked confused then had a relization, then more confusion. "That... That was from the hospital, they put it arround my ankle when I was in there sick. Where did you get it?"

"I found it in your yard! I saw it while I was driving by and thought I should grab it, I didn't know if it was important or not." She hung it up on the top of the dollhouse like a string of christmas lights. She smiled as she looked down on the tinies walking about. "So what do you guys think? Do ya like the new home?" She said head in hands with glee. 

"It's very nice, thank you!" Jake said as he looked back, "but... ummm..." He said hesitantly as the masive girl stared down at him with a confused look. "Everything is made of hard plastic... It's not the most comfortable... "

"Oh, I'm super sorry..." The giantess said. "I know!" Rachel quickly got up and stompped of. Soon she came back and removed all the plastic furnature from the doll house. She went into her living room, got a sewing needle and an old shirt, then began to cover the plastic couch and beds with fabric from the shirt. She sewed it shut tight so you could hardly tell it was fake. The furnature all looked and felt just likethe real thing, only much, much smaller. 

Soon, she returned and showed everyone what she had done. "Here you go guys! Is this any better?" Jake was extatic! Him and the others were overjoyed at how soft, and realistic these all  felt.  

"This is amazing!" Jake and John both chanted over and over again with joy. Rachel even took the extra scraps from the shrit and gave them to the tinies to use as blankets. Everything seemed perfect. 

However, Claire didn't seem happy. "What's wrong Claire?" Jake asked. 

"What do you mean? Yeah we found someone to help us, and sure this is cool but... We're still small... and I doubt theres any hope for us to grow bakc to normal size..." 

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