Chapter 11~'Your on TV!?'

Start from the beginning

"H-Huh! W-what! No, y-y-you got it all wrong! W-we're just f-friends!" You say. Hiding your face in your hands.

He laughs.

"Wow, I was way off then!" He says while putting his hand behind his head. You stop blushing, and it turns quiet.

"W-well I-I should be heading back.." you say still embarrassed from what he said.

"Oh yea, uh I could walk you home if you want." He says with a smile. You blush and put a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"U-uh, sure."

You guys start walking along the streets of the town. You gaze upon the wonderful sights. You come across this one shop with an ankle bracket displayed in the window. You gaze at its beauty. Wow it's sure pretty. I wonder if I could buy it. You check you wallet. 3 dollars lays in it. You look at the price tag and sigh. $20 it reads.

~Motoki's POV~

We pass by a little gift store and I can see that something catches Y/N's eye. She stops walking and looks at a bracelet in the display window. I pause and wait for her. Hm, I wonder if she's gonna buy it.
She opens her wallet and sighs. She continues to walk.

"Hold on Y/N" I say. She turns her head.

"Y-yea, what is it?"

"How bout I buy you that bracelet?  You seem to really like it." I say reaching for some cash in my pocket. She blushes and shakes her head.

"O-oh, no. You don't have to. I-it's fine I don't really need it. I just thought it was cute." She says flapping her hand as she talks. 

"Nah, don't worry about it." I wink.

"Just think of it as a present." I smile but then it fades away.

"I uh, I heard what happened to your mom. And why your living here... So I wanna do everything I can to help you! And if buying you that bracelet makes you happy, then so be it!"

~Back to your POV~

Oh Motoki...You start to feel tears come in your eyes. Everyone is doing all they can to help you feel better. Your grandparents, Motoki, even Bakugo. See I'm not in this alone. I have my family and friends to support me along the way. You wipe your tears with your arm.

"Ahh! S-sorry Y/N! I-I didn't mean to make you cry!" Motoki says nervously. You smile.

"No, i-it's fine. Thank you so much Motoki." You say. He blushes, then chuckles.

"No problem!"

You guys go in the store and Motoki lays for the ankle bracelet. It's brown, made out of leather.  With little crab claws all around it. You show it to Motoki and he grabs it and looks at it closely.

" needs something..." he says concentrated. His face lights up.

"Ooh! I know!" He borrows a marker from the register and writes something on the bracelet. He hands it to you. You look at it.

"There, something to remember me by!" He says with a chuckle.

He wrote his name on it along with a smiley face. You smile.

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