The Wolf #3

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Requested by @Nikky3000- Y/N managed to run away from her kidnappers and accidentally ran into the wolf. She didn't trust him until he proved her wrong.
*No smut*
'I need to just run for it' I thought to myself.
I was stuck inside of a cabin with two men who had kidnapped me and tied me to a chair. They come in and ask me some questions from time to time about the princess of the kingdom but I wouldn't know the answer, and as a result they would slap me.
I was the daughter of a very powerful lord that works alongside the king.
Being the daughter of a lord wasn't as fun as it sounds. I had to dress in fancy dresses and dance with weird people and behave "perfectly". I hated that. I wanted to run around wearing trousers and a simple shirt, I wanted to climb trees and look to the distance, I wanted to learn how to sword fight and ride my horse to the wildest places.
Right now the two men weren't in the room, leaving me to my thoughts.
I managed to untie my hands by using the Royal ring, scraping the ropes until they snapped.
I held very still and heard no voices around. I quickly got up and ran to the door only to hear faint footsteps becoming louder.
I back away and took the chair I was seated on and put it against the door in a way that wouldn't allow them to turn the knob.
I looked around fast and ran to the close window. I tried to open it but it didn't budge. I then heard the footsteps closer than before and had enough. I hit the window with my elbow, making it break completely then I heard the door rattle.
"Hey! What's happening!" I heard them yell and they tried to push the door.
I quickly jumped out of the window and began running. I heard them yell after me and heard some faint footsteps but I didn't stop.
I stopped shortly to look around and heard nothing but birds.
"I did it" I said and my hope would soon fade away at the sound of horses.
I looked around, hearing them yell 'there she is!'
I ran faster and faster through many bushes filled with thorns, I hit something and fell to the ground.
I looked up to meet deep brown eyes.
"I'm so sorry sir but please help me!" I pleaded and he looked at me questionably.
"What are you running from to pass these bushes filled with thorns?" He asked and I got a better look at him.
He was a wolf. I couldn't trust him. He'll do anything to save his own skin or end up eating me.
"Never mind" I said and got on my feet.
I looked around and heard the horses again. I ran opposite to the sound, leaving the animal behind, hoping that he wouldn't tell the men where I went.
I didn't stop running until I couldn't breath anymore.
I breathed heavily leaning against a tree, still looking around only to still be able to hear them.
"Why can't you just leave me alone! I know nothing of the Royals and I don't care of them!" I whispered yelled to myself.
Suddenly a pair of gloves arms were around my hips, pulling me up and tight.
"Leave me alone! I promise I know nothing! Please!" I cried out seeing that it was the two men from earlier.
"And we don't believe you. We will break you eventually" one of them said and I started hitting and kicking the man that was holding it.
I screamed loudly and a loud howl could be heard, making us all look around.
"Stay with her, I'll check it out" the other man said and walked away behind large bushes.
A scream was heard and the guy that was holding me looked fearfully.
"Why don't you go check on your friend? Sounds like he needs help" I said still being held down.
"He'll be ok" he said worriedly.
Footsteps could be heard from all around, making the guy drop me and look around with so much fear presented in his eyes. I grabbed a stick from the ground and got into a defense mode.
The wolf from earlier suddenly jumped from a tree branch and onto the guy, biting and scratching him over and over again. The guy grabbed a small knife that he stacked in his boot and stabbed the wolf ones, drawing blood from the wolf's lower abdomen. With one last powerful move of his arm, the wolf scratched the guy across his chest, letting a lot of blood leak.
I watched in terror and got into defense mode again.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you like they did" he said standing up slowly, pulling the knife out of his stomach.
"Ho-how can I trust you? You're a wolf, your nature is to eat and survive for yourself" I said still in the position and backing up slowly.
"What the nature of my kind doesn't have to apply to me" he said holding his abdomen.
"You're hurt from running through those bushes, let me help you" he said and came closer and I backed away.
"Don't get any closer!" I yelled and looked at him, backing away with his hands held up in defense.
"Look I chose to help you and saved your life instead of leaving you to die by their hands so all you can do is not point that at me and maybe accept my offer" he said and I lowered the stick.
"I'm sorry. I've been locked up by them for a while and I'm just, really sacred. I didn't mean to offend you and I am so grateful for what you have done. Let me help you too, I saw that he stabbed you. Where would you like to go?" I asked and got next to him, putting his arm around my shoulder and he pointed towards a small house that was engraved into a tree.
I helped him walk slowly and he kept groaning from the pain.
We reached the house eventually and he opened the door. I led him to the couch and ran to get a ball with water and a towel.
"Let me see your wound" I said and he pulled his shirt just to show the wound.
I dabbed it over and over again with the towel, cleaning it. I then used a couple of herbs that I had found in his kitchen and mashed them to create a paste to help heal his wound better. I rapped it up and cleaned the area.
"Thank you miss" he said and I smiled.
"Let me see your arms" he said and I sat on the couch next to him, showing him all of the scrapes, some were deep with blood still going out of them and some barely visible.
"They feel a lot worse then before" I said and he shook his head.
"That's because they were poison thorns. They won't kill you but the poison will make the pain last longer" he said examining the scratches.
He got up slowly and I stood up along with him to help him. We walked to the kitchen and I sat down in a wooden chair while he did something.
"Here, let me put this on them and then I can rap them up for you" he said and sat down next to me.
"What's you name by the way?" He asked finishing up.
"It's Y/N, you might know me because of my father. He's a lord..." I said looking away with shame.
"You don't seem satisfied though? You must have everything you want, so why the long face?" He asked and I sighed loudly.
"I never asked for this. I just want to have fun, you know? I want to run around in comfortable clothes getting dirt on my face and not caring about my stupid parents reputation" I said imagining it all.
"You sound nothing like what I would have expected you to be" he said with a chuckle.
"I'm Wolf by the way. Would you like some new clothes to run around in?" He said and I laughed looking at my torn dress.
He handed me some black trousers and a white long sleeved shirt and I quickly changed.
"I love men clothing! It's so much better than dresses" I said coming back into the room and he handed me some food and water.
We ate and got to know each other a little more, finding some similar traits such as loving the use of herbs and scaring people.
"We should probably get you back home" he said as we cleaned the dishes.
"Yeah" I said disappointed.
"Let's go, it's a few minutes to the town" he said and we left his house.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you again after this, I think we could be great friends" I said and he looked at me with a large smile.
"I'd love it but how much your parents react to the thought of you hanging with a wolf?" He asked and I shook my head.
"They'll be mad but I don't think they have a voice in this. It's my life, I choose who to be friends with not them" I said and he shook his head.
"Well then friend, I'd love to run around with you picking berries if you'd like?" He asked and I shook my head happily.
Sooner than later we reached my house, entering together even with Wolf's protest.
"Oh darling you're back!" My mom ran up to me and hugged me along with my father.
"Thank you, thank you so mu-" my mother said and stopped mid sentence looking at Wolf.
"You're a Wolf! Guards!" She yelled and they pulled him away.
"No mother listen!" I yelled grabbing everyone's attention.
"He's my friends. He saved me. He protected me from the kidnappers and treated my wounds" I said showing my arms and Wolf's tail was swaying happily.
"Did you really do that?" My father asked getting closer to the wolf who shook his head in agreement.
"Then you shall be thanked properly" my father said and told the guards to let him go.
He shook his hand and thanked him.
"Father, I would like to go with Wolf to pick some berries soon, and I just want to let you know that I don't truly care if you let me or not because I'll go either way. And I will not be wearing any more dresses mother, they're not comfortable for me and I don't wise to wear them. I will be running around and actually having fun from now on, riding my horse and running around the forest" I said and my parents looked a little shocked but not too bad.
"I think we'll have to ease our way through it but I believe it could be arranged" my mother said and I hugged her and my father.
I turned around to see wolf still waiting behind me and I ran to him. I jumped and hugged him.
"See you soon friend. I will come by in two days and we can pick some berries" I said and his tail waved in excitement.
"See you soon friend, true friend. You are welcomed any day" he said and I was a little confused and I bet he realized it.
"I don't have many friends, and my past friends weren't true to me" he explained and I nodded.
"Well no worries there because I won't betray you" I said and walk him to the door.
We hugged again and he left.
'See you soon, true friend'
1999 words
Thank you guys so much for reading and sorry ab the late update but I'm back and free for the next few weeks!🤗

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