Jack Sparrow #1

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Y/N used to sail with young Jack Sparrow after he got his compass, but one day there was a storm and the ship crashed. He thought he lost you but about 10 years later you end up on Tortuga and saw him at a bar. He manages to persuade you to join his crew and sail with him once again and he confesses his old love to you.
*No smut*
-Jack's POV
'I'm telling her tonight!' I thought to myself smiling like an idiot.
Y/N and I have been shipmates for almost 3 years now and she's just the best. She's such a good sword fighter and her laugh can just bright up the world up.
I have had feelings for her for almost a year and a half now and I just want to hold her and call her mine. She's the woman I love and I will not let her go.
I went above deck and saw that it began raining and only getting worse. Everyone was on deck working hard and the sea was beginning to get higher and higher, splashing onto the deck and making some people slip.
I saw Y/N holding and pulling on a rope and struggling to tie it because of how slippery it was. I quickly ran to her and pulled the rope down for her to tie it and she did it with a smile.
"Jack! Jack! Come to the wheel!" We heard the captain scream and I gave her hand a quick squeeze and ran to the wheel.
The sea was getting worse and the sky was beginning to darken. I could tell that Y/N was getting tired because of the bags under her eyes.
With one large wave that came to us and washed onto the deck she was gone. I looked around getting worried but she just wasn't there.
"Captain! Take over!" I yelled and he did as I asked.
I ran down and looked around screaming her name over and over again.
I looked out to the ocean from one side and then ran to the other. She was there. She was holding onto a log that fell from the ship and I wanted to jump and get her.
"Leave her! She's gone!" One of the crew mates said and grabbed me before I could jump overboard and swim to her.
Tears were streaming out of my eyes as I got back to work.
The storm began to die down after the sun began to come back up. I was exhausted and the tears and the sea water that were on my face stung.
'I lost her and I'll never get to hold her again or see her smile' I thought and the tears that I thought were dried out came back.
"It's hard but she'll always be with you. She's part of the sea now. Don't leave her" the captain said patting my back.
"I will never leave you love" I whispered looking out to sea.
'I will never leave the sea for you'
*10 years later*
I grabbed my things from the ship and slipped off without anyone noticing me, working my way onto the island called Tortuga.
I was sailing alongside some pirates after having some trouble with the Royal Navy.
I have been traveling all around the world, following his tracks, trying to find him.
I haven't seen Jack in 10 years after that storm, I never got to say goodbye or how I truly felt about him and I had a hint that he might have liked me too.
I know that it's a very small chance that he might remember me but it's worth the shot.
I walked the streets and saw pirates, outlaws, prostitutes, and others drinking and having fun.
Don't get me wrong I enjoy drinking and having a good time but I've been looking for way too long and I just want to see him.
I've heard tales of the amazing captain Jack Sparrow and I couldn't be more proud of him.
He told me when we were younger that he will own his own ship and become captain. He always said that I'll become his first mate and sale with him and just have adventures.
I walked into a tavern were everyone was drunk or about to be. There were pirates everywhere and fights and laughter were heard loudly.
I went up to the bar and sat next to someone with a captain hat but I couldn't concentrate on him, I needed answers.
"What can I get you missy?" The bartender asked me cleaning a cup.
"Rum please and I have some questions" I said holding a small bag with gold coins that I stole a while back.
"What'd you wanna know?" He asked pouring me rum and stacking the gold away in his pocket.
"I'm looking for captain Jack Sparrow, are you aware of who he is?" I asked and the bartender nodded.
I felt someone looking at me and a slight shift from my side.
"I'm looking for him, he's an old friend that I've been looking for. Do you know where he is maybe?" I asked and the bartender just slightly nodded his head to the side at the man I was seated next to.
"How may I help you love?" I heard the man next to me slur out.
I turned around with slight shock on my face and looked at the man.
He had beads in his hair, a nice captain hat, tall black boots and tattoos all over his hands.
"Jack?" I said shocked.
"It's captain sparrow" he said looking at me with a slight attitude that reminded me of the time we had on the ship together.
"You don't remember me?" I asked and grabbed his hand.
I lifted his caff to find the bird tattoo with sun rays around it and raised my cuff as well to show an identical one.
His hand ran over my tattoo and his mouth was opened with the slight realization.
"Y/N?" He asked and caressed my cheek.
"The one and only" I said laughing.
I hugged him, smelling rum and sea water. I was trying to hold back my tears but I couldn't anymore.
Tears were coming down my face and he pulled back and I saw that he had his own tears.
"I thought I lost you back in that storm. I never left the sea after that, you were my first love, the only one I wanted so I decided to never leave you" he said and pulled me into a gentle kiss.
As soon as he pulled away a smile grew on both of our faces.
"I have been tracing your travels for the past 10 years. I knew I would find you and I never gave up" I said and hugged him again trying to contain my excitement.
"I missed you so much, I-I-I love you, I wanted to tell you this that night on the ship. I wanted you to be mine but I was too late" Jack said pulling away from the hug and pulled me by my hand out of the tavern.
I heard the bartender yell at Jack for not paying for his drink but we could care less. We ran to the street and out to the docks.
"I'm proud of you Jack, you said that you would be a captain one day with a ship of your own and now I hear that you're a captain" I said walking beside him on the beach.
"I never wanted to become one without you as my first mate" he said and I looked up at him.
"Well now I'm here and you're not getting rid of me any time soon" I said with a laugh and he threw his arms around me.
"I will never loss you again. Would you join me and my crew?" Jack asked and I kissed him hard on the lips.
"When I say that you're not getting rid of me any time soon, I was inviting myself on" I said pulling away and rapping my arms around his neck and his went around my hips.
"Good cause I need someone around to keep me sane around those bastards" he said and I chuckled.
We began walking back to the docks and he took me aboard the Black Pearl.
"Beautiful, absolutely magnificent" I said running my hands along the edges and then ran around the deck making Jack laugh a little from my excitement.
After my nerves settled back down, Jack took me to his chamber where he said I can sleep. He respected me and told me that he would sleep with the guys belowdeck.
"Jack no, come here, I want you here with me" I said after changing into one of Jacks white shirts and decided to not wear any pants to sleep.
I was already under the covers when he looked at me up and down on his bed after I asked him to stay with me.
He took his boots, coat, socks and hat off and slipped into bed with me.
I cuddled up to him, holding him close not wanting to ever loss him again.
"Goodnight love" he whispered and I whispered a goodnight back to him.
The last thing I heard was Jack saying 'I love you'
1593 words
I am so sorry about the late update and hoped you liked it!
Thank you so much for reading❤️✌️

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