Sweeny Todd #1

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Requested by @Midnight567594 - you met him at the jail in Australia and you got free around the time of his escape. You managed to get to London and you accidentally bumped into him while wondering the market place. He tells you about his plan and got you a job alongside him as a hairdresser. You end up joining his killing strike and even manage to save him.
*No smut*
'I'm finally free' I thought going of off the boat at the London harbor. London is not the place I would have gone to originally but I knew someone who came here. His name is Benjamin Barker but he goes by Sweeney Todd now. He claims that Barker died back in the prison and now he's Sweeney.
The biggest reason that I came to London was because I have no other place to go. My family basically disowned me because I was more rebellious than the rest of my family and I "embarrassed" them too much. The only person I know that for sure would allow me to stay with before I can settle down by myself is Sweeney.
Sweeney and I became really good friends in the prison and I even developed feelings for him but I wouldn't want to kill our friendship and he's still not over his wife and daughter.
I wasn't familiar with the city so I have no idea where I'm going. I continued to walk though until I reached the market place.
It was a large market place where you could probably find everything you may need. Eggs, flowers, and cattle.
I went behind someone who was in a small crowd around a cattle sale and snatched their wallet without anyone noticing. I know it's not the right thing to do but I haven't gotten any money and I need to survive somehow.
I quickly walked away and stood next to a wall of a big building, I began counting the coins inside of the wallet. There was maybe enough money to buy a loaf of bread. I signed to myself feeling my unsatisfied stomach grumble.
I continued to walk and got to Fleet Street. It was a very dark place and there were many people in the street, past out or begging for food and money.
"Miss please any change?" Some old lady came up to me and asked.
"I'm very sorry Miss but I don't have much for myself, sorry" I answered and she nodded and thanked me anyways.
I continued down the street and I saw a meat pie shop called 'Mrs. Lovett's pie shop'. It was quite populated with many people and the sign outside said two meat pies for 2 pounds which is about how much I had. The smell that came from the chimney was revolting but when I got closer to the shop the smell of the meat pies was stronger and very well.
I got into the shop and stood in line.
After the people in front of me paid it was my turn.
"What would you like dear?" The woman asked me.
"Can I have the two meat pies for 2 pounds?" I asked and she hurried a little boy down to fetch me the meat pies and I paid her.
I went to sit down at the table next to the door that would lead to the outside tables and began to eat one of the pies. The pie was absolutely amazing and rich with taste. I continued to eat when the door behind me opened and someone hurried off to talk to the woman in the front.
His voice was familiar but I wasn't sure from where. I turned to see who it is and I saw Sweeney.
"Sweeney? Is that you?" I asked and the man slowly turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me.
"Y/N, it's so nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" He asked coming over and hugging me.
Sweeney was never the kind to hug or show a lot of emotions, but I guess that when he gets to know a person for as long as 10 years you can break the ice.
"I came here actually looking for you. My family wouldn't accept me back and I don't really have any other place to go. Also back at the prison you told me that if I ever need anything I should find you here, so I came" I explained and he smiled a little but it quickly vanished when the woman from the front desk came up behind him.
"Mr. Todd who is she?" She asked giving me a stinky eye.
"She is a good friend. You would need a place to stay, have you found one?" Sweeney continued not really interested in what the other woman wanted to say.
I nodded and he shock his head understanding.
"If you'd like, I have an extra place upstairs and when you get a job you could help me pay rent" he offered and I immediately jumped into his arms and into another hug and his face lit up again.
"Let me show you upstairs, later Mrs. Lovett" he said his face hardening again and leading me outside.
He went ahead before me up the stairs and opened the door for me.
"Thank you" I said giggling a bit.
As soon as he closed the door from behind me he let his tough guy act down and was quick to smile and hug me again, this time staying in it for a little longer.
"I missed you Y/N. I thought I wasn't going to see you again" he said releasing me from the hug but still held my forearms.
"I told you I'll be free just after you escape silly and I truly don't have anywhere else to go but to you" I said sitting down at the barber chair that was placed in the middle of the room.
"Here follow me, I'll show you around" he said and opened a door that lead to a hallway.
Through the hallway there were three doors, one door was a simple bathroom and the other two were bedrooms. "Small but it'll have to do" he says opening a door for one of the bedrooms that had a bed, dresser, and a mirror.
"It's more than I would have had if I didn't find you" I countered and he chuckled.
He's so adorable when he smiles or laughs, he's a good man overall that was wrongfully put away.
"I actually really missed you Y/N, you were my best friend for the past 10 years in that god forsaken prison" he said sitting down on my new bed while I started putting my clothes into the dresser, even though I barely had any.
"I missed you too little devil" I said and he chuckled at the nickname I gave him.
"Still calling me that? So nothing changed"
"Nothing indeed" I said and we both laughed.
"I started with my plan and it's been going pretty well. I've been getting revenge and I hope it won't get between us" he said getting up and turning you around so he can look down at you.
"You've told me about your plan for awhile now and I've never judged you devil, and I despise the high society in this town and if you'd like my help, I'd be more than happy to help out" I said turning back around and took my pie and a half that left from earlier today.
"You shouldn't eat those, they're made out of human meat, it costs a little too much for Mrs. Lovetts to buy actual meat" as he said it I could feel everything I ate come up and I ran to the bathroom to throw up.
I heard him chuckle at me for eating them and stood at the door way just looking at me wipe my mouth and stand back up to go to the sink.
I ran the cold water and drank a little to help get the taste out.
"I hate you" I said half laughing at myself and he started laughing as well.
I moved up to him and pushed him back a little and we started playing around. We ran from room to room and he began trying to tickle me. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and placed me on his bed.
"Devil....stop please..... I can't breath" I said between breaths still laughing.
"Then apologize for pushing me" he said holding each arm at my side next to my head and he was hovering above me.
"I will not, it was merely a push" I said and he kept looking at me with his big brown eyes.
The laughing had died down but our smiles were still present.
He began to lower himself down until he was close enough to kiss me. He was about to but then we heard the door bell ring to his barber shop and he was quick to push away and leave.
'Did I do something wrong?' I asked myself.
*a slight time skip*
Sweeney and I haven't talked about us almost kissing so we aren't awkward next to each other. We're still best of friends. Mrs. Lovett doesn't really like me but I don't really care, I don't really like her either.
Sweeney did manage to get me a job as a hairdresser along side him, and he created another chair that opens down to the basement as well so Mrs. Lovetts could make more pies.
Today's the day that Sweeney's going to kill the judge. The Beatle came up while I was still in my bedroom getting dressed remembering that Mrs. Lovetts told me that she is going to teach Toby about the pies. I heard Sweeney cut Beatle and I was quick to run ton him before he dropped him.
"What are you doing Y/N?" Sweeney asked me as I was quick to push him out of the way from the paddle.
"Mrs. Lovetts told me that she's with Toby today in the basement and dropping Beatle would be dangerous, let's put him in that box" I said pointing to that box and quickly opening it and we both stuffed him.
The boy, Anthony came up with another man to Sweeney presenting the young girl as Johana, his daughter.
Before he could tell her though we all heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I pulled both of the young guys into the back rooms and told them to stay quiet.
Sweeney murdered the lady that snack upstairs quickly and throwing her to the basement before the judge got into the room and Sweeney did the same to him, not caring about Toby downstairs.
He put his razors away into a box before coming to get the three of us.
The two looked at Sweeney terrified because he was covered in blood before telling Anthony to go grab the taxi.
"We should go downstairs to check if Toby saw anything before we do anything else, also maybe we should pack our own luggage before we go" I told Sweeney and he nodded.
He asked Johana to put his and mine clothes into an empty luggage.
After we got down stairs, we saw Mrs. Lovetts trying to push a body into the furnace which caused us both to be confused. Sweeney went over to ask her what she was doing and noticed that it was his old wife.
"You said she killed herself!" Sweeney screamed at Mrs. Lovetts and pushed her into the furnace and going back and caress his late wife.
I didn't know what to do so I stayed put before hearing Toby come up behind Sweeney with one of his razers to kill Sweeney but I was quick to push Toby away.
"Toby don't dare to do such a thing!"
"But he killed her, he killed Mrs. Lovetts" he said pointing to the furnace.
"She wasn't any better by turning humans into the meat pies" I said and his face fell with disgust.
He quickly ran away and out of the restaurant.
"Sweeney? Little devil? Please we need to go" I said coming up behind him and placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I killed her"
"No you didn't, her mind was gone, the poison killed her from the inside, she would have never been the same or mental" I said turning his face to look at me.
I wiped his tears away and just help his face in my hands.
He looked down at my lips before going back to my eyes.
He leaned forward and kissed me. Slowly and gently.
It was so perfect for such a horrid situation.
"We need to go and clean you up before we need to go to the boat" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him with me back up to his shop.
He changed clothes and grabbed the luggage that Johana packed for us.
I thanked her and told her that she was safe.
Anthony came back to us to tell us that the taxi was here and we all began to head out but Sweeney stopped at his shop.
He looked around and grabbed the box with all the razers and brought them to the taxi to put into the luggage.
The ride to the boat that would take us to America was quiet and quite short.
We got our tickets and got on the boat where Sweeney talked with Johana about him being her real father and that he would never harm her. I started to cry seeing them reunir and the ship began to move.
We left the harbor and got to open see, viewing the sunset.
I felt a present coming up beside me and I knew it was Sweeney.
"Thank you love, and I hope we can try to be something more than best friends now" he asked me and I turned around.
I small smile was forming on my lips and I caressed his cheek and he leaned into it.
"I would love to try" and with that he came down and kissed me.
'I'm in love with the devil'
2430 words
I love Sweeney and I actually saw it before even knowing that it was JD who played him so I was in love with it even before hand.
Hope you liked it and plz vote!
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