A Little Bit About Me

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Hey guys,
Thank you so much for the support and all of the love!
I can't believe that it's going this well.
Anyways I'd like to share some fun facts ab myself to answer a couple of questions.
I am not American, in fact my first language is Hebrew, so if you see any mistakes that's mostly why.
I'm rly weird and very energetic.
I take a lot of the ideas that you guys give me with so much happiness cause I like seeing you guys liking it☺️
My writing takes me away from my busy schedule and it lets me relax which I don't do often.

I began falling in love w Mr. Depp when I moved to the US a couple of years ago and since then my family wants to chop my head off.

I honestly can't choose one JD character cause I love all of them, but the first real movie that I've watched with him was Sweeney Todd because I was taking music at the time and I began hearing some songs from Sweeney Todd and I absolutely loved it.

I love talking and meeting new ppl and I care ab ppls even if I barely know them, so if anyone ever needs to talk, you are always invited!

I do A LOT of sport, I mean I practice 4 times a week for three and a half hours and still take a full AP schedule and I have no idea where my mental health is bc of it.

Most importantly, again, please please please if anyone here ever needs to talk or just have a friend you can always talk to me!!!!!

Thank you guys so much again for the love and support❤️❤️❤️

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