Jack Sparrow #2

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Requested by @dlackrhea - Jack cheated on Y/N with Elizabeth, causing Y/N to snap and bring out her inner demons.
*no smut*
I'm walking back to the black Pearl, taking my time to walk on the docks.
I can see the black water shine in the moon light.
I was coming back from buying some more food for the ship and the mates before we'll head back out to open sea to look for some legendary fountain and blah blah blah.
I passed by many ships of all sizes and types until I finally reached my Jackie's beautiful Pearl.
Jack and I have been together since he got away from the Royal Navy when he returned Elizabeth and Will back home.
I met him on an island that has a legend of having a lot of gold buried in one of the caves. We fought one another, matching during the fight until I got the upper hand and managed to almost kill him.
He began following me and my lead into the island and we found just a medium chest with some gold coins. We brought it back to the shore and that's when I realized that my crew mates shipped away without me. Bastards just left me there to die.
So Jack asked me to join him and since then we've been together.
We're sailing with Will and Elizabeth again to "help" Will find his father and everything happened with Barbosa and the weird sea monsters that I just hate.
Anyways, I was walking on the deck and I was greeted by some crew mates playing with dices and silver coins.
I greeted them and gave them the food to put in the storage. I walked over to the captain's quarters and tried to open the door but it was locked.
"Jack! Open up!" I yelled knowing that it's definitely him who locked the door.
I kept on hearing groaning and I began to worry. What if Jack was hurt or stabbed by someone who sneaked onto the ship.
I walked back just a few steps and ran forward, kicking the door, causing it to burst open.
I walked inside and what was in front of me caused me to gasp and walk back.
Jack and Elizabeth in bed together, all over each other, kissing and screwing.
"How could you do that?" I asked and they looked at me in surprise.
"Y/N dear let's talk about this" Jack said grabbing the white shirt that was on the floor next to Elizabeth's dress.
"And you. How can you do this to Will?" I looked at her in disgust.
"I-I....I..." she said, unable to form an actual sentence.
I ran out of the room and down below deck.
I grabbed some of the food that I bought along with the gold coins that I stole from the cabin right before running out of Jack's room, and a nice blanket for the cold night.
"Those.... two..... fucking...... bastards" I said to myself under my breath trying to get it to calm down.
Then I had an idea. A perfectly. Horrid. Idea.
What if I destroy Elizabeth's relationship with Will like she destroyed mine.
I ran with my bag on my back to the staircase but heard both Jack and Elizabeth calling my name and coming down.
I quickly hid behind the rum barrels and they came down the stairs.
"How could I do that?!" Jack said smacking one of the barrels.
"It'll be ok, she'll come around" Elizabeth said and I scoffed quietly at her dumbass comment.
"No she won't, why would she do that? She is one of the most capable pirates I've ever seen and she could get a crew in a second" Jack said going back to the stair case and walking away.
Elizabeth was right behind him, running and rubbing his back.
He didn't push her away. Why would he? She just slept with him and he's a womanizer and I fell for that just like her.
I quickly got to the stairs and walked up quietly. I went onto the deck without being spotted and went over to Will who sat next to the wheel, sharpening his sword.
"Will, come with me. I need to tell you something" I said and he quickly stood up and looked at me weirdly.
I put my finger to my lip and signaled him to be quiet.
He followed me of off the ship and we went into the more populated area of town.
We walked in silence and I could see him questioning my actions.
"Y/N why are we here? What do you want?" Will asked me when we got far enough into the wooded area of the island.
"I need you to sit down" I said and sat down on a large bolder.
He came up and sat next to me.
"What's wrong Y/N? You're normally happy and when something gets you down it's pretty serious" he said with a laugh and sitting on the bolder next to me.
"I found out that Jack is sleeping with another" I said and I could feel the tears going down my face.
"That's terrible, I shall hang him by his toes for you" he said and I slightly chuckled.
"That's not the worse part..... He was with Elizabeth" I said and his facial expression fell.
His eyes opened wide and he looked down to his lap.
"I had my suspicions that they had something going on but I let it slide. I didn't want to confront her and seem jealous. I thought I knew her, I thought I had her heart" he said and jumped of off the rock and began to hit a tree.
"Will, stop that, it won't help" I said and he looked at me with tears.
"Then what will! What will make this pain go away!" He shouted at my direction and an evil smile grew on my face.
"First, don't yell at me cause I did nothing. Second, how about we cause them to feel the same pain that we feel? How about we make them feel abundant and alone?" I said walking up to him and he looked down at me with a sly eyes.
"What do you have in mind?" He asked and a side smirk grew on his face.
"I say, let's take the crew, let's take a ship, and let's sail away. We'll find your father as well as the sea witch to help us curse them" I said and he scoffed.
"What makes you think that the crew will come with us?"
"Maybe because Jack doesn't give them all of the gold they're looking for and he's incapable of paying them if we take all of the gold" I said and an evil smile grew on both of our faces.
"I have another idea" he said and leaned down.
He kissed me and pulled me closer to him.
He pushed me against a tree and I didn't resist.
He began taking my shirt off and kiss me down my exposed neck.
And you know what happened next😉
*a slight time skip*
After we made sure to mark each other in more than one way we cuddled under the blanket that I brought.
"You know, I felt like I could trust you Y/N, I figured that you might be a pirate but at heart you're soft" Will said and held me tight by the hip.
"Thank you Will, I think. Trust is very important and I completely trust you as well" I said and he brought his lips against mine.
We stayed that way, laying in the forest naked rapped in a blanket with each other, holding on to what truth we know.
"We should start heading back to get everything set" Will said and I nodded agreeing with him.
We got dressed and Will came up behind me and bit my shoulder. I threw my head back wanting more of him again but I knew that there wouldn't be time to get on with the plan.
'Will's nice and I can trust him. But is he what I want?' I thought to myself as we walked back to the docks.
We snack back onto the ship to find everyone already asleep but I could see candle light under the door of the captain quarter.
I scoffed and Will and I split up.
He went down the stairs to get the food, clothes, and gold while I went to the crew mates sleeping areas.
I went one by one and shook them awake and then immediately shushed them.
"Listen to me, Jack Sparrow will not pay you generously, hell he barely pays you at all! He treats you like trash and wouldn't care if you would be in need of help. Come with me, let's steal a ship here on the dock and go get the gold before this greedy bustard can come and take it all for himself. Now, who's with me?" I asked and everyone nodded, staying quiet.
Everyone began to pack their things and go to the dock.
We waited until we were certain that everyone was off and we undid the ropes to the ship, letting it start floating away while we stayed on the docks.
We took over a large ship that had many canons and guns due to it being a Royal Navy ship.
"Where to captain?" Will asked looking at me.
I searched in my bag and finally found what I was looking for.
I held Jack's compass and it pointed out to the sun rise.
"Take us to the sun"
1647 words
Thank you for reading! And I hope you guys liked it.
It was weird to think ab Will in this way cause I've never looked at him only Jack😂

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