Gellert Grindelward #1

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Requested by @johnny_depp_lover_ - Y/N works with the greater good and all of the members realize that Grindelwald has a soft spot for her. They want her help to turn him good but something is wrong.
*no smut*
'He likes you, try to get to know him better. Maybe even turn him good' their voices ran in my head.
I was walking down some Paris streets. The counsel have been annoying me about helping them with Gellert Grindelward. He's a nice man, we're good friends and I don't want to do anything to turn him against me.
"Maybe you can turn him good, but he thinks he's doing good!" I talked to myself pulling my dark green steampunk coat sheltering myself from the cold.
I kept walking, thinking to myself how can I do this to such a sweet man. He is so passionate about everything he does, especially his magic.
He and I met at a local bar by mistake, he bumped into me and our drinks went everywhere.
Sooner then later we found out that we had more in common than we thought, our magic, studies, and passions for this world.
Of course he had a different view of the world than I did but it didn't really bother me. Everyone wants to rule the world and create the best version of it.
I walked down an alleyway with many beautiful balconies with flowers hanging of off the railings from almost every apartment.
I grabbed my wand and pushed myself up to the rooftops of the buildings.
I had a perfect view of the whole city, the Eiffel Tower was in the distance and I could see some people walking around and laughing.
I just sat on the rooftop, thinking about my duties to the greater good.
'But it's wrong!' My mind was screaming at me and I just held my head in my hands.
"You alright love?" I heard a voice come from behind me and I quickly pulled my wand out and got in a defensive stance.
"Don't do that!" I yelled at Gellert and sat back down and hid my wand.
"Sorry, you're thoughts could be heard from miles away" he said and I looked at him confused.
"A poor joke to help lighten the mood. What did they do?" Gellert asks sitting down next to me.
"They want me to turn you good, they think that you think of me as someone special. I just don't want to fight" I explain looking at the city.
He just sat there, wasn't saying a word.
"If you want them to stop, I could disappear for a while, make sure that they leave you alone" he said turning his head to look at me and I shot a look of surprise.
"No, no, no, no! You are not going anywhere! We're friends for lords sake and I enjoy your company and even those times that I annoy you with my weird stories. You can't just leave me now!" I said smacking his arm and we both chuckled.
I did develop a small crush on Gellert after we hung out a couple of times but I liked our friendship way too much to even begin to think about risking it.
"You know, I don't have many friends, and I truly love our friendship. I don't want to leave but if they really bother you that much, I can maybe help out someway. If you want I can try to listen to the counsel or whatever they call themselves" he said laughing at the end.
"I think they should go as C.D." I said and he looked at me confused.
"Counsel of douchebags" I explained and he giggled a little bit.
"I'll try my best to listen to them for you, love" he said lifting my chin with his fingers.
He looked me in my eyes and his gaze dropped to my lips along with his smile. He slowly leaned down and kissed me.
"I'm sorry" he said pulling away but I grabbed his face with one of my hands and pulled him into another kiss, lingering longer than the first one.
I could smell his musky scent combined with some light old wood.
"Don't be sorry when you've done nothing wrong" I said after we pulled away.
He smiled and looked at me with adoration.
'Gosh that smile' I thought.
I leaned up against his figure and just looked out to the city.
It was quiet with faint sounds of the cars in the distance. Nothing was bothering us.
"Why aren't you against me like the others?" He asked me, breaking the silence.
I didn't look at him, I felt his gaze land on me though.
"I don't believe anybody is evil, except the actual bastards out there, but I don't take offense off anyone until they prove themselves as untrustworthy, and when that happens, well let's say that it's not going to be pretty" I said still looking forward at the city.
"But why trust me? You know what I want and that I'm willing to do it" he counter backed, he seemed as if he was trying to crack something.
"Wanna hear the truth? I don't care. As long as the people of the world stay safe and aren't physically or mentally hurt, I don't truly care about the affects of the magical world interacting with the normal one. My job is to protect the people that can't do it for themselves, and I believe that one way or another the world will find its balance" I explained and he remained quiet.
"You're very smart you know that? That's one thing I like about you" he said and a big smile was growing on my face.
I stood up and stretched a little. I put my hand out for him to grab and he stood up as well.
I hugged him and he tensed up but slowly relaxed. I knew that Gellert isn't really a people person but when we started hanging out together he slowly opened up to me, allowing me to teach him more about the people and actual human interaction.
"Would you like to go grab a drink? I know a nice cafe just a couple of blocks down" he said and I simply nodded and squeaked an 'ok'.
I looked at him mischievously backing up a little bit.
"What are you doing, I know that face and it always leads to some kind of a competition or something like that" he said crossing his arms.
"I bet you I'll get to the cafe faster than you" I said pulling my wand out and he laughed and did so as well.
"You're on" he said and we began to jump from building to building.
'He's not bad, he's misunderstood'
1175 words
Thanks for reading and plz tell me if it's ok cause I haven't watched this movie in a long time so if it's bad plz tell me so I can do better next time!❤️❤️✌️
(Like I barely remember anything I wasn't rly concentrating so....)

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