Jack Sparrow #2.5

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Requested by okdanmaardit - part 2 to Jack cheating on Y/N with Elizabeth and all hell breaks loss.
I'm rly sry if you guys didn't like the first part of this imagine and I hope that you guys will like this one better.
*no smut*
-Jack's POV
'I'm so stupid' I thought to myself.
I was stuck on the Black Pearl with Elizabeth Swan and some new crew mates that we found on Tortuga.
Y/N and Will left us with the crew after Elizabeth and I were caught in bed together.
I guess they managed to turn the crew in their favor and took all of the gold and most of the food.
"Jack what are we going to do?" Elizabeth asked coming up the stairs to stand next to me.
I looked ahead, holding onto the wheel, trying hard to control my anger.
"We're going to find them" I said, still not looking at her.
How could I look at her. She destroyed the one thing that I loved except of the sea.
She was my adventure, she was my wild sea, and I was the fool who lost her.
I've been sailing for a couple of days as the captain of a crew. I had my own ship, we've already managed to steal and get more gold, and we'll be going to find more adventures. But yet I feel lonely.
Don't get me wrong, Will and the crew mates are all nice but it's not like it used to be.
I can't really speak with Will anymore, he's not the guy for me and we can't take back what we did and the guy who I love more than the ocean and any amount of gold has done unthinkable things.
'But am I any better?' I thought and I shock my head no.
I felt a tear going down my face and I looked out to the ocean.
"You alright captain?" One of the new crew mates that we picked up, named Nelton, asked me.
"I'm alright, or more likely I will be soon enough" I said and he gave me a questionable look but I dismissed it.
I went up to the wheel and told the mate that was there to go to sleep.
I looked out to the dark horizon and breaths deeply the salty air.
"We'll meet soon love, I'm so sorry" I said and more tears rolled down my face.
*a slight time skip*
We've been sailing for a few weeks, maybe a month or so when we finally reached the lost island with the sacred fountain of youth.
"Where to captain?" Will asked.
I knew we didn't find his father yet but we were tracking and trying to find Davy John's ship with no luck.
"Let's stay ashore for today and tomorrow we shall head out and search" I said and everyone began to rest on the ship.
I climbed up to the crows nest with a bottle of rum that I held in my mouth.
"And really bad eggs" I said and drank a little.
The burning sensation that went down my throat helped me forget for a second, until I heard someone get into the nest as well.
"You miss him?" Will asked and I nodded.
"He ruined you yet you love him, do you?"I nodded in respond and a silent tear left my eye.
Will sat down beside me and grabbed the bottle.
"You miss Elizabeth, I can see you long for her just as I long for Jack" I said and grabbed the bottle from him and took a sip.
"Why are we both broken?" Will asked and we both chuckled.
"That's why we're pirates Will, being broken is just another part of the contract" I said and a smile grew on my face as I thought of Jack's silly remarks.
"Well, I'll be going to sleep. We're going to have a long day ahead of us tomorrow, I suggest that you do the same" Will said going climbing down.
I stayed there alone, not really caring. I was longing for Jack and it was making me ill.
I could feel my head sending waves of pain and my stomach was turning.
I felt hot, as if I had a fever.
I looked out to the sea one last time before letting the dark consume me.
The next thing that I remembered was feeling someone taking me down and placing me in my bed.
I couldn't thank them, I felt too weak to talk.
My body slowly numbed and I was in deep sleep.
I wake up but I can't open my eyes. I felt something cold on my forehead and I try to move.
"Hey, hey. Rise and shine. You've caught a fever       Y/N, you need to stay in bed until your fever goes away. The crew will go and try to find some signs on the island and I will join them if you want, but I want to make sure that you're ok before?" Will said quietly.
"Go with them and make sure they don't die, and I'll be fine so go on this adventure for me" I said with a rusty voice and he nodded and left.
I sat up slowly trying to handle my throbbing headache. I placed my feet on the cold floor and I stood up slowly. I grabbed the chair that was in front of me to help me balance. I grabbed my long black coat and rapped myself.
The warmth of the jacket brought me some comfort and I walked slowly out of my quarters.
I went up to the main deck to see everyone heading out to the forest. I go to the kitchen and grabbed myself an apple and make some tea. I sit out on the deck while eating and drinking, looking out to the open sea.
From afar I could see a ship getting closer and I quickly stood up.
I rub my eyes over and over again thinking that it's only my imagination.
As it got close I recognized it.
'The Pearl' I thought to myself and fell back down to the floor.
My body felt cold with the gray clouds covering the sun and my vision went blurry.
My eyes closed and I fell asleep.
-Jack's POV
I finally saw her.
'It has to be her. It looks like a ship that she would sail' I thought to myself seeing a Royal Navy ship up ahead at the lost island.
We sailed up ahead and reached the shore right next to the other ship.
The crew came right behind me along with Elizabeth and we all climbed onto the ship.
We reached the deck and the first thing I saw was her.
Y/N was laying cold in the middle of the deck, not moving whatsoever.
I ran up to her while the others were looking around.
"Come one, come on, come on. You can't leave me now. I never got to say sorry" I said under my breath holding Y/N in my arms.
Her body was cold but her face was burning up.
"Everyone is gone" Elizabeth said looking at me and finally realizing what I was doing.
"I don't care, they're probably looking around the island" I said and got up from the floor with Y/N's body in my arms.
"What should we do?"
"Let's wait for them, they won't go far" I said and walked to the latter.
I brought Y/N onto the Black Pearl and into my quarters. She was burning up and I quickly took a bowl and filled it up with cold water.
I used a clothes, wetting it from the bowl and putting it on her forehead.
"You're alright, you'll be alright"
"You're alright love, you'll be alright"
I heard someone say and I felt another wet cloth on my forehead.
I groaned from the pain but managed to open my eyes.
I saw Jack sitting besides me on a chair with a giddy smile on his face.
"Told yah that you'll be fine" he said and a smile grew on my face.
"Jack, you're here" I said and reached out for his hand and he held it tightly.
"I am and I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am about what I've done. But we'll talk when you feel better" he said and replaced the clothes on my head.
"I love you" I said still holding onto his hand.
"I love you too, love. Now sleep" he said and I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep again.
*a slight time skip*
I wake up and to my surprise I was in a cabin that's very familiar to me.
I push the blankets aside and place my feet on the floor.
'It wasn't just a dream' I thought to myself and got up and found some clothes to put on.
"Jack?" I yelled but nothing came back as a response .
My headache and fever were gone and I felt a lot stronger. Just very hungry.
I ran to the main deck to find my crew sitting and eating alongside some other men.
Everyone's eyes turned to me and I raised an eyebrow at them. They all pointed to the crow nest and I chuckled to myself.
I quickly climbed up the ropes and made my way to the nest.
"Have a room for one more?" I asked and he immediately stood up and hugged me.
"I was wondering when you'll wake up. You had me worried there" Jack said with his face buried in the croak of my neck.
"I'm alright now. I feel a lot better" I said and pulled away to look at him.
He seemed a little unwell; his eyes were slightly red as well as the tip of his nose and the bags from underneath his eyes were puffy and darker.
"Are you alright Jackie?" I asked and he chuckled.
"I'll be as long as you don't leave me again, and I promise to never ever do that again. I don't know what came over me that night bu—" I shut him up with a kiss.
"Let's just say we're even" I said after pulling away and he raised his eyebrow at me.
"I kinda slept with Will after I found out" I said and he held his hand out to me in a crinkly manner.
"Touché" I said in respond.
"You seem unwell Jack, are you sure you're alright?" I asked and he nodded.
"I haven't been able to sleep for the past month or so, I can't sleep when my woman is away. Not to mention that the winds have gotten cold and I've been coming here every night to look out for you" he said and I hugged him tightly.
"I'm here now and I'm not leaving. I wasn't feeling well mainly because you're my better half and without you I'm emotionally drained" I said and didn't pull away from the hug just yet.
"I love you so much Y/N, I'm so sorry" he said and I could feel a drop on my shoulder.
I looked up and I saw that he has been crying.
"I love you too and I'm sorry myself for being so childish instead of resolving the problem like an adult" I said and he leaned into kiss me tenderly.
The kiss was so needed and full of love.
He pulled away after a minute or so and leaned his forehead against mine.
"So, I think you have something that belongs to me" he said and I immediately know what he was thinking about.
"You'll get it after we speak of what had happened over the past month or so" I said and he kissed me with a chuckle.
"How about we grab some food, I'm starving" I said and we climbed down.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry" I heard Elizabeth say from behind me as Jack and I walked hand in hand along the deck.
I turned around to see her standing in tears and Will right behind her, holding her hand.
"Forgiven, forgotten" I said and she ran to me.
She hugged me and we almost lost balance from her impact.
We pulled away laughing and Will joined.
"So who's the captain now?" One of the crew mates asked and we all turned around to look at him.
Jack and I looked at each other before looking back at the crew.
"We are. We'll be unstoppable together" Jack said and kissed the back of my hand.
The crew cheered and we all drank and ate.
After awhile of eating and singing everyone began to head to bed.
"Come on love, let's go to sleep" Jack whispered into my ear.
I was sitting between his legs in front of a fire and a blanket was wrapped around the both of us.
"Let's go, goodnight everyone" I said and Jack said his good nights.
We headed to the captain quarters and quickly changed into sleeping attires.
I got under the sheets and Jack was quick to cuddle up and wrap a protective arm around my belly.
"I love you so much love, even more then the sea, good night" he said kissing my neck.
"I love you too Jackie, more than the sea or any adventure, goodnight" I said and I could feel his breath slowing down on my neck.
I slowly closed my eyes and drifted into a sea of dreams.
                                                                       22 words
I really hope you liked this one better cause I rly don't want to upset anyone and sry if I did w the last one.
Thank you for reading loves❤️✌️

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