Ichabod Crane #2.0

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Requested by GrindelwaldSparrow  - another part for Ichabod love story.
If y'all want I can create a separate book and go into detail and create this into another book! Let me know if you want one!
When I woke up I was laying on Ichabod's chest. His arms were rapped around my figure and and his hair was all over his face. He was breathing in a slow and comfortable rhythm, signaling that he's is deep sleep.
I slowly got up without waking him up and walked quietly to the kitchen.
"Good morning Miss. Is the mister awake?" Jonathan asked and I put my finger to my lips and shushed him.
"He's still asleep. We were working until very late last night" I explained and sat down at the table across of Jonathan.
"I'm surprised. He never sleeps this late, let alone not wake up in the middle of the night at least five times" The young lad said and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"He has a lot of nightmares since Sleepy Hollow and he decides not to sleep some nights in order to make them go away" he explains and I look at my hands that were on the table.
Jonathan and I sat in silence and he gave me a plate with some bread and strawberry jam. We ate making small conversation and a few jokes. He told me that I can call him Jonny and I told him to call me Y/N and no formalities.
As I was talking about my studies in London we both heard the door to where we were sitting open and we both turned our heads to see a very sleepy Ichabod walk and sit down next to me. He immediately dropped his head on the table and used his arms to cover his eyes and protect them from the sun that came in through the window.
"Good morning sleepy head" I said running my fingers through his hair and I could feel him shift a little to get more of my touch.
"Good morning, what would you like for breakfast sir?" Jonny asked Ichabod and quickly raised his head up from his latest position to start the day.
"Some tea please and some toast and jam" he said turning his head to look up at me.
"Oh Jonny, can I have some tea as well please?" I asked and he nodded his head happily.
"Good morning love" he said finally pulling his body up from the table to look at me.
"You seemed to have a goodnight sleep" I said and his eyes widened and he nodded his head with a large smile on his face.
"I haven't slept like that in a while, all thanks to you" he said and I looked a little confused.
"I feel safer with you, as if you protect me in a certain way" he said placing his large hand on mine and rubbed small circles on the back of my hand.
"I'm glad you feel comfortable with me and Jonny told me about your nightmares and I absolutely understand how awful it can be" I said cupping his face and he leaned into my touch.
He lowered his face and kissed me tenderly. The kiss was long and soft and I felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, probably butterflies from what I heard.
We heard the door open and we both pulled away before Jonny could see us.
"Thank you lad" Ichabod said and he placed the plate and cups on the table.
Jonny brought some honey and sugar to put in the tea and I choose honey.
Jonny left to do some chores around the house while Ichabod and I drank and ate.
"It's very nice of you to take care of Jonny like that" I said and he stopped eating for a second.
"He's a good kid, he's smart and curious. I find myself in him and I would like to help him have a promising future" he explained and sipped some tea.
A smile grew on my lips as he spoke. He's a good guy and very noble in a way.
"You're very noble, not a lot of people would want such a burden and I admire you for that" I said and pushed some of his hair away from his face.
He smiled at me and we continued on making small conversation here and there.
"Can we maybe bring Jonny along with us today?" I asked with a soft expression.
"Why not, he would be of good help" he said and we both finished up whatever we had left of our drinks.
Ichabod left to change his clothes and get ready for the day while I looked around for Jonny.
"Hey Jonny, Ichabod and I thought it'll be nice to bring you along with us, would you like to come?" I asked finally finding him on the front porch reading a book.
"I-I would love to!" He said eagerly and ran inside the house to get everything ready.
Soon, the two guys were ready and present downstairs ready to go.
"We have to stop at my house so I can change really quickly" I said and they both nodded.
We left their house and walked along the road. We saw everyone already awake and around town working and we quickly made our way to my house.
"Mother? Are you awake?" I yelled letting all of us into the house.
"Yes dear, oh you brought guests" she said and shook Ichabod's hand saying hello then to Jonny.
"It'll only take me a few moments" I said and went upstairs to my room to get ready.
-Ichabod's POV
She ran upstairs quickly and a smile grew on my face, realizing how amazing she is.
"She's something" I said to myself but loud enough to the two people next to me to hear.
"She really is, always curious and wondering" her mother said and I turned around with a slight blush realizing that they heard me.
"You like her sir?" Jonny asked a my eyes grew wide.
"I-I-I" I didn't know if I could tell them, it was as if I'm scared Y/N's mother won't like me.
"Yes, he does. I can see it in his eyes and the way he looks at her with such adoration. I must say that she likes you too. She says that you're different and I've never seen her so happy over a guy before" she said and a big idiotic smile grew on my face.
"I promise I will treat her right, I'm not sure if we are together or not but I truly like her. She's amazing and I would love to have your blessing" I said bluntly and she smiled at me.
"You have my blessing Ichabod, just don't ever hurt her or else I'll curse you and demons will hunt you forever" she said with very serious face before softening again.
I only slightly laughed as a smile grew on her face and we all turned to the stairs to see Y/N coming down the stairs in some new clothes and wet hair.
"You showered very fast dear" her mother said and she came up to me and side hugged me.
"Well I want to start on working today and I didn't want to make you guys wait" she said looking at me with soft eyes.
"Your mom knows about us" I whispered in her ear and her eyes shot wide looking at me then her mother.
"It's alright with you?" She asked a little worried.
"Of course dear, he's a good guy for you, I can tell" she said and Y/N ran and hugged her.
After she pulled away she came back to me and we said our goodbyes and left the house.
"I believe that we should take the horses today and go see the trail that the hikers were on when they were attacked and killed" I said and Ichabod nodded agreeing with my ideas.
We went up to the barn and all three of us asked for a horse.
I got a beautiful light brown with black dots horse, Ichabod got a black horse and Jonny got a brown horse.
I led the way down to the trail and Ichabod quickly sped up to make his horse walk next to mine and Jonny's horse was a couple feet behind us, constantly looking around.
"Are you ok love?" I heard Ichabod ask and I turned my head to look at him and he seemed a bit worried by my serious expression on my face while I looked around.
"I'm ok, just looking for any sign around here" I said with a small smile.
"Alright, tell me if you feel uneasy or if you see anything" he asked and I squeaked an 'alright'
The trail was full of large trees that covered the sun and there was cold wind blowing. There was snow all around from the snow storm that finally died down last night.
"Look" I said and stopped my horse.
I tied the straps from my horse and the guys did the same thing as well.
I walked over to a dead tree and ran my fingers over a symbol that was carved into the trunk.
"It's a passage way right? We read over that last night" Ichabod asked and I nodded proudly at him.
"What do you mean by a passage way sir?" Jonny whispered to Ichabod and he began to explain it to him.
I walked around the trail, just a little farther down and I found melted white candles and a dead goat on a cut tree trunk.
"Guys! You would want to see this!" I yelled out and they both ran to me.
They both looked around and Ichabod told Jonny to grab his kit with all of the chemicals and equipments.
Ichabod was explaining each step of what he was doing to the goat to Jonny who stood right over him looking curious and I continued to look around.
"Y/N I found something" Ichabod yelled and I came back to them.
He was holding a bloody blade that had some words carved out onto it.
"Rap it up and we'll look at it when we're back at the office" I said and they did so quickly.
"Y/N, love, I believe this is someone with demonic experience or a cult" Ichabod said and I nodded agreeing with him.
Jonny ran to the horses to start rapping everything up and I turned around to look at Ichabod.
He kissed me gently and pushed me against a tree.
His mouth left mine sadly and went down to my neck.
Low moans left my mouth as he nibbles on my neck and up to my jawline.
He pulled away for a second and looked at me with a soft smile and kissed me passionately. His tongue asked for entrance and I let it. His tongue danced with mine, letting each other explore the other's mouth.
We pulled away slightly to regain our breaths before he attack my neck again.
My head flew back granting more access to him and he quickly found a sweet spot.
Low moans left my mouth again and I felt him pushing into me a little harder.
"Sir, the horses are....." Jonny said and we both pulled away with tomato red faces.
"Thank you Jonny" we both said and climbed onto our horses.
We road in silence, afraid from the shame of being caught.
"Y/N.... ahh... miss. Look" Jonny said and Ichabod and I both looked back at Jonny to see him pointing at something.
He was pointing at a woman who was standing on a branch looking down at us with a blanked expression.
"Excuse me miss, would you be able to come down?" I asked and she jumped of and FLEW down.
She slowly reached me and placed her hand out for me to touch.
I did so and we connected, allowing me to know that she's friendly.
"They're my friends miss, they won't hurt you" I told her and she nodded.
"There's someone evil hurting us miss, its also hurting the living" she said allowing everyone to hear this time.
Her voice was echoing and her hair was flowing without any kind of force on it.
"Can you tell us when and where you see it?" Ichabod asked and she nodded.
"The last time I saw it, it was here resting on that tree that you looked at, it had the passage way carved into it and that was yesterday. I haven't felt it anywhere near since then" she said and we nodded.
I looked at Ichabod and he was writing all of it down.
"Thank you miss, if you ever have anything more to tell us come to the town and find us" I said and she nodded and disappeared.
"Let's head back. It's getting late and I don't want to be here at night" I said and we began riding again.
The rest of the trip was fast and we got back to town in 20 minutes.
It was around 6:30pm when we reached my house.
"I'll come by later to take you out to eat dinner. Around 8:00pm" Ichabod said walking me up the front porch.
Jonny walked to their house already, letting us talk alone.
"Sounds like a plan. I will see you later" I said and hugged him.
He picked my head up with his indexed finger and kissed me lightly.
"I was very attempted back in the forest, but I would never want to harm you and I would always make sure that you're alright with what we're doing" he said pulling away.
"Thank you for being so understanding" I said and pulled him into another kiss.
"Now go before we get caught again but this time by my mom" I said and we both laughed.
He said a quickly goodbye and I went inside.
My mother wasn't home, she was probably still out in the market place which meant that I had the house to myself.
I filled up a bath and got in, having sometime to relax.
I stayed in the bath for about an hour and finally got out when I heard my mom come into the house.
I spoke with her about what we found and about the friendly spirit we encountered and quickly went and got dressed.
I decided on wearing  black dressing pants, white button up shirt that I tucked into my pants and left a couple of unbuttoned buttons allowing my cleavage to show a little.
I grabbed a brown wool scarf and a black overcoat.
I never put any makeup on cause I've never learned how nor do I find it useful.
I ran downstairs at the sound of a knock on the door and opened it happily. Ichabod stood in black dress pants, black shirt and a large coat that seemed very warm.
"Mother I might stay the night at Ichabod's if it's too late to walk outside" I said and she simply agreed.
She doesn't control me anymore because I am an adult but I love her and wants her to know that I'm safe.
"Goodnight, bye!" I said and kissed her cheek.
Ichabod grabbed my gloved hand and we walked together out of the house.
"You look refreshed love" he said looking at me while we continued on walking.
"That's because I bathed for almost an hour" I said giggling and he shook his head with a smile.
We reached his house and quickly went inside.
"It's snowing again!" I stated looking outside the window.
"Here let me take your coat" he offered standing behind me and pulling the coat of off my shoulders.
"Thank you" I said and walked farther into the house.
I reached the living room and it was well lit with candles and the fire place was burning warmly.
"I hope you like it" Ichabod said coming to me and I simply kiss him hard on the lips.
"I love it" I said and we went over to the couch.
We sat down and ate a wonderful dish that Ichabod and Jonny make together which surprised me.
"It was great Ichabod, I didn't know you can cook this well" I said helping him place the dishes in the kitchen.
"My mother taught me when I was younger so I'll help her around the house" he said and I hugged him from behind, letting my head rest on his back.
He turned around and hugged me before pulling away and kissing me.
We went back to the living room where we sat on a soft blanket that he placed next to the fireplace.
We had what felt like mountains of pillows around us and we sat and talked about nonsense.
"I really like you Y/N. I haven't felt this way about anyone before. I-I love you" he said and I was slightly shocked.
"I love you too detective" I said leaning up against him, looking up at him.
He leaned down and kissed me kindly.
The kiss soon became a lot more, letting our tongues dance again and he pulled me into his lap, causing me to straddle him.
He began to kiss up and down from my mouth to my neck causing me to softly moan at the feelings.
I felt him underneath me, his member getting hard at the touch.
I slowly began to grind and sway my hips earning friction.
He moaned onto my neck, sending shivers down my spin and he kissed me hard on the mouth.
His hands went onto my hips and aid me to move a little faster.
The feeling of his member underneath me turned me on making me want him more.
I left his lips and attacked his neck, keeping my hips moving and pushing him back to lay down.
He flipped us over and kissed me all over, going down to whatever cleavage that was showing.
He pulled on my shirt making it go out of my pants and he stopped.
"I don't want to do anything you don't want to" he said earning all of my trust.
"I want you" I said and he pulled my shirt over my head, allowing the top part of my body to be uncovered.
He pulled back to look and he smiled. He took his own shirt off and slowly kissed my stomach and up to one of my breasts.
My back arched as his tongue flicked my now hard bud and one of his hands played with the other breasts.
As he kept on going, moving from one to another, my back continued to arch at the feeling.
My hands found their way to his hair and pushed it out of his face.
He looked back at me hungrily and left my chest to kiss me on the lips.
"I love you, and I trust you" I said and he smiled at me kissing me gently, understanding what I meant.
He kissed me down my body until he reach my pants.
He removed them as well as my shoes, socks and underwear, kissing me and enjoying the tease.
He got between my legs and he kissed and bit the inside of my thighs before going to my womanhood.
My back immediately arched at the feeling of his tongue on my clit and it going up and down my folds.
The pleasure was coursing through my whole body, making me feel on fire.
His eyes were fixed on my face, showing adoration.
His tongue then reached my entranced and pushed in, earning a little scream from my mouth and then a finger entered.
He pumped in and out of me, adding another finger stretching me and preparing me for later.
A knot built up in my lower stomach and with Ichabod adding another finger and thrusting his fingers in me harder, I came squeezing around them.
Sweat began to form on my forehead and he finally got up to a sitting position. He licked his fingers clean before looking at me with a smirk.
He bent down and kissed me.
"Are you ready?" He asked cleaning my forehead and removing my sticky hairs out of my face.
"I want you Ichabod, I want you now" I said and a mischievous smile grew on his face.
He removed his remaining clothes, allowing me to see his large "friend".
I bit my bottom lip and he looked at me and laughed.
"You know you're something else" he said looking at me with adoration in his eyes.
"And you are different" I said and pulled him into a kiss.
After pulling away he laid me down and aligned himself to my entrance.
"I'll go slow and tell me if it hurts too bad" he said and I nodded.
He pushed into me slowly and I closed my eyes at the pain.
He stopped after pushing fully into me and kissed me all over my face, distracting me a little.
"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.
A tear left my eye and he cleaned it right off.
"I'm ok, I want more" I said and he slowly began to pull out and then back in.
He continued to kiss me all over my face and then on my neck.
He began going a little faster and the pain was still present but soon washed away by the pleasure.
My groans changed into moans and he began to moan onto my neck.
"Oh.... Ichabod" I moaned and he sped up more.
"You're gorgeous love" he groaned into my ear and my back arched trying to get more friction.
His speed got faster and the knot in my stomach returned.
"I'm..... I'm"
"Cum for me beautiful" he said and I obeyed.
He road out my high, going faster and he soon followed, cumming on my stomach.
"Are you ok?" He asked again.
"I'm perfect" I said looking lovingly into his eyes and he bent down to kiss me.
"Let me clean you up" he said standing up slowly.
I tried to follow and stand up but couldn't, the pain between my legs just began to occur and my legs were very shaky.
He scooped me up and walked up to the bathroom, placing me on the countertop and grabbing a towel.
He cleaned me up and kissed me all around, making me giggle.
"Tell me that Jonathan is not here!" I said realizing that the young boy might have heard us.
"Don't worry, I asked you mother if she can watch him for the night" he said and I let out a sign of relief.
After he finished cleaning me up I tried to stand again but failed, falling to the floor.
I laughed at my poor attempted and he carried me back to the living room.
He brought a large blanket and covered us both, cuddling up to me and kissed my neck softly.
"I love you" he said and I looked back at him.
"I love you too" I said and he kissed me.
It was a short, gentle kiss that was full of passion and love.
"You're going to have some trouble walking for the next day or two but it'll go away" he explained and I turned around and buried my face in his neck.
"Go to sleep love, you're exhausted and it's normal" he said and let out a yawn.
"Goodnight love" he said and closed his eyes.
"Goodnight detective" I whispered onto his neck.
We both held onto each other, falling asleep on the blanket next to the fire place.
                                                                        Words 4001
Thank you so much for reading and tell me if you want it as an actual book cause I can write a lot on Ichabod❤️❤️

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