Chapter Nineteen: Closure

Start from the beginning

Gwen rolled up the parchment and walked up to the Owlery. The school halls were calm. It was quite clear that most students were still recovering from the night before's celebration. Gwen didn't even see the professors roaming the halls. Once she had reached the Owlery she greeted Tillie by stroking the top of her head, then she tied the letter to her feet and she was gone. She watched her soar high into the sky. It was really beginning to look like spring. Gwen continued to watch the horizon until her owl had become a speck in the distance.

Gwen had another quiet walk back to her common room. When she arrived back, the dorm was almost as quiet as when she had left, minus a few new faces still looking half asleep. She went back to her room, and decided she would wait there for Hannah to go down to breakfast. As she entered her room she was surprised to see Hannah awake and getting dressed.

"Morning." Gwen said as she sat down on her bed.

"Good morning sleepy head." Hannah replied.

"I was up before you."

"I would hope so, you only slept the whole night away. You missed basically the whole party."

"How was the party?"

"It was fun. I'm surprised you turned in so early."

"I had quite the day yesterday." Gwen sighed.

"Oh really? Care to elaborate." Hannah diverted her full attention to Gwen.

Gwen scanned the room to make sure Susan had joined Lily at breakfast. Once she was sure the room was clear she spoke. "I think me and Draco are done."

"What?" Hannah blinked, and shook her head. "Didn't you leave the party to go see him?"

"Yes. We had another fight."


Gwen straightened herself up. "Now don't make some remark when I tell you,"

"I won't."

"Um, it was kinda about Fred Weasley." Gwen inhaled sharply.

Hannah's jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" Gwen could see Hannah trying to hold back a smile.

"Yes, and why do you look so happy about it?"

"I don't know." Hannah closed her lips tight.


"Okay, fine. I wanted you to be happy, and I knew you weren't really with Draco, so I've secretly been hoping you'd come to your senses and end things."

"Well, I hate to disappoint, but I wasn't planning to end things." Gwen went on to explain to Hannah the fight with as much detail as she could remember.

"He punched him?" Hannah's eyes opened wide. Gwen gave a large nod. "And you didn't go after Draco after that?"

"No," Gwen hadn't even thought about how she didn't even really try to follow Draco. She had just let him leave. The more she pondered over the idea her mind grew clouded. "I guess I was just done."

"Wow. I'm not surprised you slept the whole night. That's a lot more exciting than the night I had. Well, maybe exciting isn't the right word but-"

"I know what you mean." Gwen smiled.

"You must be starving. Wanna head to breakfast?" Hannah said, extending her hand to lead Gwen out of the room. Gwen took it and they made their way to the Great Hall. The corridors finally sounded as though there were students traipsing about the school. Gwen was hungry, but she felt a different pain enter her stomach just as they were about to enter the hall. She felt the feeling swell with every step. Every fiber of her being was wishing that Draco would not be at breakfast. She would have to face him at some point, but she didn't want it to be now. She sipped a final breath of air into her lungs as Hannah and she turned the corner. Her eyes shifted immediately to the Slytherin table.

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now