Chapter Thirty-Three: Respect and Responsibility

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{{A/N: I know not everyone follows my account and may not have seen my update regarding my upload schedule, so I wanted to let everyone know before the chapter starts that I have an extra 25 hour commitment weekly for a little over the next month and will not be able to upload weekly as I have in the past. I am aiming for updates every other week for the time being, but it really has to do with how packed my schedule is. I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew I was okay. Also I made a tiktok @ littlemecity . Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy :) }}

"You got detention?" Hannah gasped as put down her pumpkin juice.

"How?" Ernie added as he scooped more mashed potatoes on his plate.

"Umbridge. Do I even need to say more?" Gwen hung her head.

"Well, were you doing something wrong?" Hannah asked.

Gwen pushed the food around her plate with her fork, "I was out of class, but it's not like she would know that."

"Unless she memorized your schedule," Justin joked.

"Honestly, with that woman, it wouldn't surprise me," Gwen sighed.

"It just seems like a silly reason to give you detention–" Hannah said.

"Take away house points, sure, but a night spent in detention with Professor Umbridge sounds unreasonable," Ernie added.

"I should have kept my mouth shut about the article," Gwen huffed.

"Freya's article?" Justin questioned.

"The very same. I told her I didn't like it–"

"Now, why would you do that Gwen?" Ernie shook his head.

"It wasn't on purpose, it just kinda slipped out."

"Slipped out?" Hannah asked.

"What slipped out?" A deep voice spoke from behind Gwen. "Not talking about me are you?"

Gwen turned over her shoulder and saw Fred standing above her, his proud smirk radiating off his face.

"No, Gwen and Professor Umbridge," Justin said as he scooted over to make room for Fred to sit.

"An odd pair, though probably about the same size in height." Fred winked as he lowered himself onto the bench next to Gwen.

"I'll have you know I am taller than Professor Umbridge," Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Not by much," Fred retorted as he began serving himself. "I saw that article your sister wrote. You know, I always had thought her Quidditch skills were the worst thing about her, but then I read that bit of rubbish."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "I don't know why she wrote it!" she said, stabbing into her food a little too forcefully. "I-it just doesn't seem like her."

"I seem to have struck a chord," Fred whispered loudly to the table.

"Gwen's just upset she has detention," Hannah explained.

"Without me?" Fred choked.

"Don't act so surprised," Gwen said.

"I'm not acting surprised, I am surprised. I thought you were a bit of a goody-two-shoes."

"I wasn't trying to get in trouble," Gwen defended. "I was upset with Freya for the article and Umbridge for what she said and I let it slip that I didn't like the article to her, and now I'm spending tomorrow night with her."

"I'll be there too," Fred announced.

"You've got detention too?" Ernie asked skeptically.

"No, but I will."

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now