Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Black Lake

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"Don't forget your swimming costumes." Fred raised his eyebrows suggestively before he and his brother sprinted to catch up with the rest of their House.

"They seem excited," Justin laughed as he and Gwen walked towards their common room.

"And you're not?" Gwen quipped.

"When did I say that? But I'm not even sure I own swim trunks."

"You don't?"

"It's not often that I find time to swim around the castle."

"Maybe Ernie has a pair you can borrow. I don't think you'll want to wear mine."

"You have more than one? I don't even think I've ever seen you swim."

"I don't know. It's just one of those things my mom told me to pack 'just in case,' you know?"

"I guess, but if I can't find one I may have to borrow one of your bikinis."

"You wish!" Gwen scoffed.

Justin brought his hand to his chest pretending to be insulted. "I think I would look good. It would bring out my best features."

"And those are?"

"So rude today and it's only the first day back."

"I'm only teasing," she rubbed her friend's back.

As they reached the entrance to the Hufflepuff dorms they saw the group of first years entering the common room for the first time while Ernie and Hannah went over the password. Justin and Gwen gave them a nod of acknowledgment before walking through the barrel-shaped entrance to their common room.

"Okay, meet here in an hour," Gwen said as she walked towards the girl's dorms. Justin nodded and walked down the hall to his room.

Gwen walked into the same dorm room she'd held for the past four years. Nothing about it had physically changed, but something about the first day made it feel different.

Gwen's and Hannah's trunks were placed at the foot of their four-poster beds. The two beds were covered in a basic yellow bedspread and blanket set, the way all the beds looked on the first day of classes.

Susan and Lily had both made it back into the room before Gwen and were unpacking their things. Lily was standing on her bed hanging a string of stars around the top edges of her bed that was adorned with a deep blue comforter. Susan was setting out pictures on her nightstand with all her friends.

"You got back ten minutes before me and you're already decorating," Gwen said, making her presence known.

"And I'm almost done," Lily leaned over the frame of her bed.

Susan reached into her trunk, grabbing another picture. "You'll need to pick up the pace if you're gonna catch up."

"I will in a little bit." Gwen walked up to her bed where Phoenix's crate was sitting. She opened it and Phoenix slowly placed his paw on the bedding.

"I hope you like it, Phoenix because you're stuck here until at least Christmas," she patted his head.

Gwen began to dig through her trunk and sprawled her belongings on the bed, but didn't bother messing with them, she was too busy searching for her swimming costumes. She had dug down to the bottom of her trunk before she found them. In one hand she held a rich blue one-piece and in the other a high-waisted black bikini set.

"Which of these do you guys like better?"

"Why?" Lily asked.

Susan looked at the two suits. "Going somewhere?"

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now