Chapter fifteen

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I haven't been home for three days and Nathalie is with me now. She patted my shoulder when she noticed that I was lost.

"What are you thinking?"

She asked me a sweetly and instead of answering her, I asked her.

"You, why did you agreed with me?"

I jokingly told her and she turned serious.

"Because I love you Greg."

I stopped laughing and looked at her.

"I've wanted you for a long time and you know it."

She said holding my hand.


This time I became serious too.

"It hurts that you think of me like a sister Greg."

I can't speak.

"We're not related by blood, so why are you treating me as your sister."

Nathalie said sadly and I just held my breath.

"I hope you're the only one I love, Nath."

I caressed her hand.

"I wouldn't have been hurt but I really can't love you more than a friend or sister."

I saw her tears dripping. I have no intention to hurt her feelings and I just wanna be honest with her.

"I think I need to go Nath"

Our conversation looks like it's not good anymore. So I stood up but she tightened her grip on my hand.

"I'll drive you home Greg."

She offered me a ride.

"No Nath, you don't have to."

But she shook her head and Nathalie also stood up too.

"I insist please Greg please."

She's begging for it, I couldn't help but nod.

"Okay, fine, so let's go?"

She smiled at me and nodded before pulling my hand and I just laughed. I no longer forced her to insist on driving.


While we were on the road, she suddenly mentioned my name.

"Yeah what?"

I utter.

"You should be mad at Megan for hurting you! I hate that bitch!"

I sighed.

"Yes, I hate her."

She grinned at my answer and after a while, she parked her car in front of our house and I also got out of the car when.

"Thanks for the ride Nathalie."

I was stunned when she hugged me.

"My pleasure Greg."

I laughed softly and was surprised when he suddenly do a tiptoe to kiss my lips.

I tried to close my eyes and was going to response her kiss but I suddenly remembered Megan and to my surprise I pushed Nathalie which shocked her.


She screamed.

"I'm sorry Nathalie I didn't mean to pushed you."

She didn't answer me and quickly got up and entered inside her car. Nathalie was angry with what I did.

Fuck! Why is Megan suddenly appear in my mind? so what if I kiss Nathalie? She cheated on me first!

I walked towards the house, but my feet stopped and speaking of Megan, she's standing outside the door. I know she saw Nathalie and I kissing.

I walked towards where she was, just as I was about to pass her, she grabbed my hand.

"Y-you really don't believe me."

I felt her hands shaking. I looked at her and saw that she had just finished crying.

"Stop it Megan, I will never claim that as my child."

After I said that, She released my hand and I took the opportunity to go inside.

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