Chapter thirteen

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I texted Nathalie and I plan to see her because I can't no longer hold Megan's presence here at the house.

I want to release all the pain I felt and I want to talk to someone who is willing to listen to me.

I just got dressed for a while and went down too. Megan stood up from the sofa when she saw me. She wiped the tears from her eyes before facing me.

"We need to talk Greg."

I smirk and turned my back to her.

"Please listen to me. I want you to hear my explanation.

I laughed before I faced her again.

"It's like the table have turned and now you're the one begging me."

I said frankly and she was silent.

"When I tried to explain to you then, did you listen?!"

Her lips parted and she bowed her head.

"You didn't believe me because you really chose to cheat!"

Megan shook her head.

"No, I didn't cheat on you and the reason why I couldn't visit you at the hospital because of Nathalie."

She you admitted.

I remembered the woman who delivered chicken soup when I was in the hospital. So it turned out to be her, based on her voice it really same from her.

"I tried to go to you, see you or talk to you but she always stopped me."

She was sobbing while looking into my eyes.

"She insulted me! and said that I don't deserve you."

I looked away and If she thinks that I felt pity for her. Well, she was wrong!

"I'm eager to see and talk to you."

She continues.

"I miss you so much and I want to hug you now."

I crossed my arms before looking at her again.

I didn't show any facial expression to her because I wanted her to feel how much I hated her.

"You're just wasting my time with your pointless explanations."

I looked at my wrist watch.

"Greg believe me please."

I suddenly laughed. She couldn't even believe me.

I heard a car outside coming. We were both stunned and when I realized that Nathalie was the owner of that car, I left Megan there dumbfounded.

I immediately went out and approached Nathalie.

When I noticed that Megan also came out, I had no hesitation in kissing Nathalie in front of her.

Nathalie gasped at what I did because she didn't expect it either.

I want to see Megan hurt because she deserves to feel that and it was a few minutes before I let go of Nathalie's lips.

"W-what was that for?"

Nathalie whispered in my ear.

"I want to see her hurting."

Nathalie smiled at what I said and when I looked at Megan, she turned around and entered the house.

"So you want to use me to get revenge on Megan?"

Nathalie laughed and I nodded

"If you like it but if you don't, it's okay with me, you're still my sister Nath."

The joy on Nathalie's face disappeared when she heard the last thing.

"No, it's okay with me that you use me Greg, If this way you can make revenge for what Megan did to you."

After we talked, we entered her car together. Nathalie was the one who drove the car because I couldn't get out of my mind Megan walked out when she saw me kissing Nathalie.

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