Chapter six

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When I woke up in the afternoon, I glanced at Megan who was still sleeping. I slowly got off the bed so as not to wake her up.

I got dressed before going downstairs to the kitchen because I felt my stomach churning with hunger.

I just fried meat and used another rice cooker to cook rice because the other one was broken. I made soup with fish that I took from the fridge.

When I finished cooking, I put all those on the table. After a while I heard Megan coming down the stairs. I saw her approaching my place wearing a shirt and white pajamas.

"Wow it smells good and looks delicious."

Her eyes were twinkling and I could also see that she's drooling while looking at the foods.

"Eat Megan, I know you're hungry."

She ignored me and just sat directly in front of me and filled her plate with rice and dishes.

We eat in silence, only the sound of spoons can be heard inside.

When we finished eating, someone rang the doorbell outside and I wondered who was it.

"I'll go check it Greg."

And before I could speak, Megan left and quickly opened the door.

I immediately followed her, I was still a little shocked when I saw that it was Nathalie.

"Oh hey Nath, why are you here?"

I turned to Megan who didn't mind the person, as if Nathalie was not here.

I know she already met her because she was one of the people who congratulated us when we got married.

"Greg I'm going upstairs."

Megan said to me, then she turned her back from me. When Megan left, I faced Nathalie again and she rolled her eyes.

"Megan seems not sweet on you and she's rude Greg."

Nathalie suddenly said I didn't answer her and I just changed the subject.

"What do you need Nath?"

I asked calmly.

"Well, I was going to invite you and Megan in my birthday Greg."

She handed me an invitation card.

"Bring that invitation and I hope you can come Greg. I'll wait for you on my birthday."

She meant it, Nathalie will be twenty-three, she and Megan are the same age.

"We'll try Nath."

I answered her and she smiled at me.

"I'm leaving Greg, that's all I came here for."

Right after that, she turned and started walking.

I closed the door after she left.

"Is there something between you and Nathalie?"

I was surprised that Megan was behind me and then I faced her.

"Nothing, we're friends Megan."

I stated.

"Are you sure? well, looks like she's flirting with you."

What the hell! Is she jealous of Nathalie?

"No, she's like my sister."

She just rolled her eyes.

"Duh! I saw how she looked you in the eye earlier, she like you!"

I just shook my head and ignore what she said.

"She's inviting us tomorrow in her birthday Megan."

I changed the subject.

"We'll go then."

She said without expression.

"Okay..I thought you'll disagree."

She rolled her eyes.

"Why not? She's your friend."

Megan immediately left in front of me to the living room. I can't read Megan's mind why she agreed to go to Nathalie's birthday. Was she really not jealous? and also Nathalie did nothing to be jealous of her.

I just went up to our room and entered the bathroom I stared at my face in front of the mirror.

My mustache is so long Megan is right, I'm almost look like Santa Claus.

I laughed at what she told me then. I saw the scissors and razor on the side of the glass. I take the scissors and say goodbye to my long mustache.

I'm going to shave it after two years, I've been a busy person and I've forgotten about myself.

I started to cut it in the middle and when it wasn't too long, I took the razor that was right next to the scissors earlier.

About fifteen minutes before I finished what I did, I stared at my face in the mirror and now I see my young face again.

I'm a good looking man, not to brag, but I can say that I'm really handsome.

After a while, my thoughts was interrupted by someone knocking on the door, and I immediately opened it, and Megan was shocked by my new looks.

"G-greg is that you? Y-you shaved it! Oh wow you look different!"

I saw amazement in her eyes as if she couldn't believe it either.

"You're right Megan, I should change myself."

To make you fall in love with me Megan.

"Is it because of Nathalie?"

Her eyes was asking and what the hell was she thinking?

"No not her, and I told you that she's like my sister."

Megan frowned.

"Then who?"

I smiled before I answer her.

"It's you. I want to impress you."

After that I kiss her she can't do anything but, respond to my kiss.

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