Chapter eight

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The next day Megan ignored me. She always avoids me, I don't know if it's because of what happened last night.

Later, I saw her coming down the stairs and I was surprised how well she was dressed. It's's obvious that she's sexy and she didn't even look at me.

"Hey, where are you going my angel?"

She didn't answer me and just walked away.

"I'm asking you."

She turned to me with raised eyebrow

"Will you just shut up Greg? you're annoying."

She just passed me and hit my shoulder.

"Hey can we talk?"

She didn't look back at me and walked straight to the door, I immediately followed her outside.

"Megan! Where do you think you're going huh?"

I can no longer bear myself to be annoyed by her behavior.

Then she stopped walking for a while and I blocked its path.

"What's wrong with you? I want to have fun!"

I frowned.

"Megan we need to talk."

She rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Is this because of what happened last night?"

Megan walked again and I immediately stopped her.

"Megan talk to me please."

I was surprised when she pushed me, but I didn't fall. Damn this woman! I didn't expect that.

"Asshole! we have nothing to talk about Greg! can you get out of my way!"

I saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Nathalie kissed me. I wasn't expecting that to happened."

She just rolled her eyes and passed me.

Then I heard a horn and the approaching vehicle.

"Megan please stop! believe me."

I tried to follow her again but I was stopped when the unfamiliar man got out of the car that had just arrived.

My blood warmed when I saw Megan approach him. When I was about to go to her, she stopped me.

"Stop right there Greg! I'm going with him!"


"Megan you don't know what you're doing! who is he?!"

She smirks at me.

"It's none of your business."

My lips parted.

"Listen to me my angel please. Don't go."

But she ignored me, the man opened the door and I couldn't believe what she said before entering.

"Don't act like a jealous husband, we don't love each other."

After she said that, she went in and I looked at the car that was driving away.

What Megan just said is killing me!

Especially when she goes with that guy! I'm hurt and I can't stop crying from where I'm standing.

I can't believe that all this is happening, why didn't she listen to me?

Why Megan can't love me back? am I not worth it? Fuck!

I know I look like a gay crying outside the house but what she said was so painful I think I'm going to die because my wife just left me with that asshole! Damn!

I need to calm myself because I might not be able to handle it and I might get into a fight with anyone who's passing by.

I tried to walk inside the house and my body was weak especially my heart was hurting so much.

I went upstairs and got dressed and took my car key.

I need to get out of here and I need to get drunk so that I can forget the pain I felt today.

After I started the engine, I immediately drove it and my tears are falling while I'm driving I felt so much pain.

I feel like a useless husband!

My vision were blurry, I couldn't see what I was going through because I was so lost in myself, and I cried. The last thing I heard was the loud banging of my car, and my vision gradually darkened, causing me to lose consciousness.

Oh God! am I dying?

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