Chapter Sixteen- Counterparts?

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Ok on the right we have Lucy Hale who will portray Terra Jackson. Once again she is like 15 or 16 in this picture so please forgive us.

Nico di Angelo. That's all Terra could think about for the last few hours. She lay in bed thinking about the scene at the forest. They had been holding hands. But he had let go. Did that mean that he didn't like her the way she liked him? "Stop" she thought to herself. "Stop jumping to conclusions. And if he doesn't like you, it's okay. Leave it."

The cabin door opened. Percy stepped in. He was always there when she needed him. She sat up."Hey, there's my little sister! Following in my footsteps I see,"said Percy. "Whoops, did I wake you up?"he asked. "No, no. I was just resting for a bit after packing." She gestured towards a mountain backpack and a duffel bag.

Percy came and sat next to her on her bunk. "Something wrong, Terra?"he asked, concern lining his tanned face. "First quest jitters, huh? I feel you. It happened to me too. But once you start the quest, it's actually pretty fun. Forget about the monsters, you'll see them everywhere. What you will enjoy is having fun with your friends. Wow, that got deep real quick," said Percy and chuckled. Terra broke into a grin, for just one second and it melted again.

"Thanks for the talk Percy, but the quest is not really a very big problem, I've gone on many small ones before so its not that bad. I really can't face you while I tell you this," she said. So she lay down again and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Percy, the main problem is-" She stopped mid sentence as someone opened the door. Nico poked his head in. He couldn't see her, thank the gods. She was blushing as red as a beetroot. "Hey Percy, is Terra around. Percy must have sensed her discomfort, because he laid down on her bed and blocked her from the view of Nico and yawned and stretched and said, "No, she isn't. She's gone for a walk. I was just getting ready for bed. Do you want me to tell her something?"asked Percy. Nico looked really uncomfortable. "Nah its ok." Nico said,"I'll see her in the morning so goodnight now." With that he left.

After the door was shut, Percy said, "You can come out now, he's gone." Terra came out of her blanket. "Thanks, Perce." She exhaled. "No problem. Now what was it that you wanted to say before Death Breath rudely interrupted?"asked Percy. Terra chuckled.

"You see, I've been meaning to tell someone for a while. I just haven't got around to it." She took a deep breath. "I like Nico,"she managed. Percy showed no reaction, except smiling. "I know," he said. "My baby sister is finally growing up." He screamed.

Wait what? Did he just say that he already knew? Terra's eyes widened. "But how?"she asked. "Wasn't it pretty obvious with the picture, the walk in the woods? Oops, you weren't supposed to know that I eavesdropped..."said Percy.

Terra was angry, relieved and confused all at the same time. "Well, it isn't fair if I keep you up any longer. Tomorrow's a big day so sleep well," said Percy. He got up to go and brush his teeth.

"Wait,"said Terra. "I'm having guy trouble. And you're a guy. In a relationship. Help me out will you?"

Percy chuckled. "There's only one rule to form a relationship: Make the first move. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't return your feelings, then just let it go. GAH, I hate making Frozen references. But yeah. Just speak your heart out. He is your best friend after all."

"Thanks again, Perce. I don't know what I would do without you. Goodnight,"she said. Percy winked at her. "'Night," he said and headed on to the bathroom. "Oh, and by the way," Terra stopped him. "Yeah?"

said Percy.

"I know you're meeting Annabeth in the woods tonight. That's why you're brushing you're teeth," she said. "I can never get past you, can I?" Percy asked, exasperatedly. "Bye, have fun!" she said and laid down to sleep.

Time lapse to the next morning..

No dreams. What gives? Wait, wait, wait. No dreams meant something terrible was going to happen today. Terra hoped it had nothing to do with Nico.

At breakfast

"Hey Terra" Will solace said. "Sup sunny d" Terra muttered as she gobbled the food on her plate. Sunny d was a random orange juice brand Terra had found at the grocery store one day. Having the word sunny in it Terra was immediately reminded of the son of Apollo. Even though Will hated the name, Terra stuck with it.

Will merely rolled his eyes and said "you ready for your quest yet, you're leaving today evening aren't you?" Terra simply nodded she was just too preoccupied in eating the delicious pizza on her plate. "Once again who eats pizza for breakfast may I ask" Will questioned. "I do so deal with it."

"Terra!" someone screamed. That someone just so happened to be Leo. Over the two years Terra had stayed at camp she had developed a strong brotherly relationship with the guy and was always seen with son of Hephaestus when not with Nico or Stiles. "Chiron wants you, death breath and Malia at the big house for some reason, so go whip up Nico and kindly get going to the big because Malia is already there." Leo said.

When she got there Terra noticed that Nico and Malia where in some deep conversation and Chiron wasn't to be seen anywhere. "Hey you guys sorry I took so long I got caught up with some good pizza." "That's ok, we were just trying to make out what the prophecy might mean." Malia relplied.

"So we have already established the fact that the first great prophecy is repeating itself and that some real stuff is gonna go down, but I think its going to be far different from last time and has nothing to do with a mad titan. We also know that the three people going on this quest is us, but the next line is where I'm getting stumped because a scroll with a crest doesn't make all that sense to me." Nico stated. "Demigods of the big three shall fight clearly states us, but I don't understand whether it means we fight among each other or we fight together against someone or something, the rest of the prophecy is unclear right now and we'll only know when the time is right." Malia says. "You know guys when you come to think of it we are basically counterparts of Percy and the gang, the gods forbid that this quest ends up like the quest for the bolt, till now its determined that somehow Nico is a counterpart of Percy, maybe I'm a counterpart of Annabeth. But what I don't understand is that Malia there is no way you're a counterpart of Grover so I wonder who then." Terra said.

"Nice theories you guys but I think that's it for now because we have to get going so pick up whatever you got and pack any last minute stuff because its my responsibility to get you to central park, so get your little munchkin buts of the seats and to Half blood hill." Percy said

"I'm going on my first real quest." Terra thought aloud.


Yep so there we go another chapter for you guys. I hope this chapter explained the change in title for you.

So we finally started the quest, it took us long enough. Don't forget to vote and comment and all that schist.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter, cus we have some stuff waiting for you. Something that is kinda expected but still.

This chapter's shout out goes to @ayerae!!!

We also have a reccomendation for a book this chapter..

It's called Mr. Popular and I. It's a chick flick and it's amazing go and read it:-)

Peace out

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