Chapter Fourteen- Rachel

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Rachel was at camp for her two week winter break. Luckily, she'd passed out only once in those two weeks. But today, something told her that it was gonna change. Something, that was her Oracle instincts. Someone was going to be going on a quest.

Rachel's ideal morning was spent sitting on the sofa of the Big House, watching reruns of MasterChef Australia, which she completely loved. In front of her was a big bowl of popcorn and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

Just then, Jason burst in. "WHERE'S CHIRON? I NEED TO FIND HIM!!!"he shouted. "Well, good morning to you too, Lighting Man,"Rachel replied. "Oh, sorry Rachel... Didn't see you there,"he responded sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "No schist,"she mumbled. "What was that?"Jason asked absently. "Umm, nothing. By the way, Chiron is down at the archery range with the Apollo kids. If you want to meet him, come back to the Big House in about half an hour, he's scheduled a counsellor's meeting,"said Rachel. "Okay, I'll be back then. Oh, and I think you should know what I had to tell Chiron,"said Jason. "Okay, then. Maybe I'll be able to help you,"said Rachel.

"So last night, I had this dream. Three demigods were sitting by a campfire in a forest. They were Nico, Terra and Malia. And I could sworn I saw another person hiding in the bushes. But that's besides the point. Rachel, I have a feeling that a quest is going to be issued soon. Do you have that feeling too?" "As a matter of fact Jason, I do have that feeling. I was feeling a bit queasy this morning, and I knew that something was up,"replied Rachel.

"I'd better go now. I have to show Malia where to go for sword practice and all. See you in a while,"said Jason as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

(Time lapse to 30 minutes later)

"Is everyone here?"called out Chiron. He counted 22 people in the room, all the counsellors, Rachel and himself.

Rachel was sitting at the head of the table, just about to address the crowd, when everyone suddenly started staring, mouths wide open at something behind her. The air smelled of Diet Coke. "Why's everyone staring?"asked Rachel.

"The reason for that, Rosa Emma Dinkelberg, is because I am here,"came a voice from behind her. Wait. Diet Coke? Her name pronounced wrong? That could only mean one thing.

She slowly turned.

"Nice to see you too, Mr.D,"she said. The wine god stood there, with his bloodshot eyes, potbelly and leopard spotted shirt. "Hello to all you idiots,"he mumbled. He scanned the room. "Hm, lets see who's here today. Perry Johansson, John Green, Nathan de Andrew, Anniebell Carmen and Pinky McDonald," he listed. Immediately, the looks of awe on the campers' faces vanished. "What are you doing here, Mr.D?"Percy demadrd. "Oh, Patrick Jonathan. Still as arrogant as ever. To answer your question, I'm here to tell you about the quest,"explained the wine god. "I think Mr. Green and Ms.Dean know what I'm talking about,"he continued.

Rachel and Jason nodded. Everyone else looked blank. "We'll explain everything in a while. Mr.D, take a seat,"said Rachel. A chair magically appeared at the other end of the table. Mr.D waved his hand and Diet Comes appeared in front of everyone. "My treat,"he said,"carry on."

Just then, Gibby the satyr burst into the room. "I just sensed the presence of Dionysus!! Is he here again???"

"Ahem,"said Mr.D. "OH MY LORD DIONYSUS!!!"screamed Gibby and knelt down at the god's feet. "Get up, satyr. Now go bring me some Cheese Whiz,"he ordered. "Yes, my Lord,"stammered Gibby and ran away.

"Getting back to the topic. Now Jason, why don't you tell us about your vision?"said Rachel. Jason explained his dream. "Hmm, Jason. Since you dreamed about those three people, it is decided that they will go on the quest,"announced Chiron. "Lou Ellen, please go and find Malia, Terra and Nico and bring them here,"he said. Lou Ellen promptly dropped the pencils she was levitating onto the Ping-Pong table and ran out to find them.

"I think,"Rachel said,"that Malia should lead the quest, since she arrived right after I spoke the Great Prophecy. Also because she is a Child of the Big Three who arrived on that day." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Well, now that that's settled, all we need now is a prophecy. But for that, we need Malia, who's not here yet. So in the mean time, Mr.D, why don't you tell us about the quest?"said Chiron. "I suppose,"Mr.D mumbled.

"It may come as a surprise to all of you, but this quest is for Athena,"he explained. Everyone turned to Annabeth, who was standing there with her mouth gaping. "Now before you say anything, let me finish. Athena, as usual, is seeking more knowledge. And she discovered that there is a certain scroll that she's been wanting to acquire for millennia now. She knows where it is, but gods being gods, need demigods to do their dirty work."

Just then, Gibby came in with Cheez Whiz and Lou Ellen came with Malia, Terra and Nico. They looked curious. "You wanted to see us, Chiron ?"asked Nico. "Yes, we all did. You three are about to go on a quest. It's all been decided. Malia is going to lead, because she arrived on the day when I spouted the great prophecy,"Rachel explained.

Suddenly, Rachel felt a tug in her stomach. A thick green mist swirled around her. She staggered over to Malia and clutched her shoulders.

"Three shall set out west

To find the scroll with the crest

Demigods of the Big Three shall fight

One will not survive through the night

One shall perish in the flames of the last

And one shall return from the past."

Rachel let go of Malia and collapsed onto the floor. Some Apollo campers arrived to take her to the infirmary.

"That, I believe, is Camp Half Blood's next quest,"said Chiron.


So there's the chapter we promised you!
Sorry for the bad poetry.. it's our first try..
So this week, we do indeed have some shout outs!
I know this is long overdue, but @Hybid_Demon has been following us for a while.. so thank you:)

Above you will see the picture of Terra.
You might have also noticed that we updated the cast..
For this chapter, i'll do it later, because I don't know how to do it on my phone..
You might be wondering, 'Who's Shay Parker?'
You just hold on..
Shay will be coming up in a few chapters:)
Stay tuned..

See you next week
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If we get one more follower this week, we'll dedicate the chapter to them
So follow!!!

Peace out,

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