Chapter Six -Terra

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Terra waved as Hazel and Frank disappeared through the Flat Trans. She almost laughed at the thought of having a funeral for a teddy bear mutilating augur. She immediately stopped. After all, he was the saviour of the camps.

Terra thought about Nico's strange behaviour a while ago. Why had he been stuttering and stammering in front of her? Was he keeping a secret from her? Or did he want to tell her something important? She decided not to dwell on that. She headed over to the Poseidon cabin, where it was time for cabin inspection.

She was expecting an "organized mess", as Percy called it, when she stepped inside. Instead, she was looking at a completely clean room, with all the beds made, no eaten chocolate wrappers on the floor and it even smelled of fresh strawberries.

There could be only one explanation for this. "TYSON, YOU BIG GUY, COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!!"she hollered. And right then Tyson stepped out of the bathroom with a toilet brush in his hands. "TERRAAAAAAAA!!!"screamed Tyson and came running over to her for a hug. She stepped back. "Nuh-uh, dude. What have I told you about greeting me? You should be...?" "Clean," he mumbled. "That's right. Now go clean up, then you can give me a hug,"she chided. "Yes, ma'am,"said Tyson dejectedly.

Terra scanned her surroundings further. A hippocampi mobile hung from the ceiling. A picture of herself, Percy and Tyson hung on the wall, newly polished and straightened out. She sat on the edge of her bunk. Under her pillow, she found a picture of her, Nico and Stiles at an amusement park. She smiled to herself. At times she just felt like cutting off Stiles' face and leaving it with her and Nico.

"Hey, Ter-WHOA. What happened to this place?" Percy rushed in, clipboard in hand. Terra raised an eyebrow. "Ah. I see.  TYSON GET OUT HERE!" "COMING BROTHER!"said Tyson. He rushed out of the bathroom with open hands and pulled both Percy and Terra into a hug. "Okay, big guy! Let's all catch up over lunch, which is abooout...," A horn blared. "Now,"Percy finished. "Alright, cabin, line up! Let's go!"

Before they left, Terra silently slipped the picture of her, Nico and Stiles in her pocket.

Helloo my fellow demigods..
How was that? Not my best, I know it..
So anyway
It's time for .....
*drum roll*

Alright, this chapter's question
Favourite minor OTP?
Personally my favourite is Siledorf, which by the way is Silena and Beckendorf.
*sheds tears*
Okay c y'all in the next chappie:)
Keep reading..
I have decided to update every alternate day...
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werewolfbanshee and demigodivergent

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