Chapter Fifteen- Nico

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I present to you the sexy as hades Asa Butterfield drum roll please who plays our lovable and hot Nico di Angelo. This is a pic where the guy is 14 so deal with moi.

A quest. His very first quest. He had small quests for minor gods and a few tasks and errands, but never a real major quest. Nico didn't really know how to react to that. Sure, he was excited about going on an adventure. He was with her right now. But WITH TERRA??????? GAAAAAH. He was so freaked out. What if he said something weird and she didn't like him? He was so conflicted. He wanted to go, but at the same time, he was scared. Wait, what? Nico di Angelo, scared by a girl? NO WAY. "Man I'm amazed what a girl can do to a guy in a blink of an eye" Nico thought out loud.

All these thoughts were swarming around his head, and when it got too much, he just yelled,"SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP SHUTUP!" They were walking in the woods and he woke almost every dryad up. Terra looked at him as if he'd gone crazy. "What?"she asked. "I didn't say anything." She pouted. "UGHHHHH NO, it's not you. It's my brain, it's taking over me GAAAH!!!" screamed Nico. "Wait, did I just say that out loud? Schist," he muttered. Terra looked like she was stifling her laughter. "Oh, so now we're laughing at me, aren't we?"he growled. She burst out laughing. "Oh my gods, Nico... You're so funny!"she said, smiling.

Nico blushed bright pink. Somewhere in the back of his head a voice was saying "No, stop blushing Nico, stoping showing weakness and being mushy."

On the outside his expression was like, "That's what I do." And on the inside he was all like," OMGS OMGS OMGS DID SHE JUST CALL ME FUNNY OMGOMGOMG!!!!!" He sounded like an overly obsessed fangirl. "Thanks,"he said and smiled. She smiled back, a sad one though. Her smile slowly slid off her face and she sat down under a nearby tree. She looked on the verge of tears. Nico saw this, and he immediately thought, "What did I do this time? Did I say something?"

Nico went and sat next to her. He hugged her shoulders. "Hey, what's wrong?" The tears began to flow. "Oh, Nico,"she sobbed,"I'm so scared." "What are you scared of?"he asked the question, knowing the answer to it. "W-w-what if I-I mess up this q-q-quest? W-what if one of you die, everyday I'm just so afraid I might lose someone." she stammered. "Terra, nothing of that sort will happen. I'm there for you. Just trust me. Please," said Nico. She slowly brought her face out of her hands. "R-really, Nico? Would you do anything for me?" she asked, slowly brightening up. "Of course, I'm your best friend!"he replied. He did wish they could be more than friends though.

He stood up, and held out a hand to her. "Come on, let's get back to our cabins and pack. We leave tomorrow evening,"he said. She took his hand and smiled up at him. They started to walk back together. It wasn't until the border of the woods that they realised that they had been holding hands. Nico blushed and let go of her hand. Terra also seemed to be blushing. Suddenly she turned to him and gave him a hug. He blushed even further as he hugged her back. "Thank you,"she whispered in his ear. She pulled away and ran off to pack.

As Nico walked back to the Hades cabin, he kept replaying the hug and the holding hands over and over again. He wanted it to happen again. It was the most magical moment he had ever experienced. He smiled to himself and sighed. What a wonderful world it was.

As Nico walked back he thought of the numerous pairs of clothes sprawled out on the floor of his cabin which were just desperately waiting to be packed, not. Nico had no experience what so ever about being neat and tidy so dirty clothes was never a problem for him.

After a number of tries of fitting a camp t shirt, with a black flannel shirt and a pair of faded pants into a duffel bag with a couple of pieces of ambrosia and a bottle of nectar for emergencies, Nico was finally satisfied and walked over to his bed for some well deserved sleep. As he took of his camp t shirt (yay shirtless Nico) and changed into a pair of flannel pants Nico couldn't help think what he would encounter on the upcoming quest. As his head hit the pillow he felt sleep almost to quickly overwhelm him, as his breathing evened out.

No dreams? Yeah not happening.

Nico stood at a burnt and disheveled camp half blood which looked like it was almost burnt down to the ground. As he walked further in he saw a glimpse of someone quietly crying to themselves, it sounded way to familiar to Nico as he found himself stumble upon a broken and crying Percy being comforted by Annabeth. Nico wanted to go ask Percy why he was crying and go comfort him but quickly changed his mind when he understood that no one knows he was here and once again Nico was in the land of demigod dreams. A minute later the scene changed and he was now flailing his arms as he ungracefully (no pun intended for those of you in the Jason Grace fan club.) fell from a cliff. At the last moment when he knew ghost like or not disaster was sure he jolted awake to find himself on the cold and hard floor of the Hades cabin. He groggily got up and checked the time to see that it was only 2:45 am. " Had I really only slept 2 hours" he thought.

He fell back to sleep only to be woken up again to someone violently banging on the door and screaming his name. At first he thought it was some confused camper who had a death wish, but later realizing that it sounded much like Terra. He stood up and groggily rubbed his eyes walking towards the door.

"What took you so long, I think I just wasted another 5 years waiting for you." Terra scolded. "Put on a shirt dude!" She complained. "Why am I distracting you" "No death breath you're late and we're getting delayed, so hurry your princess but out of that cabin and meet me at the arena in 5 minutes, or I start practice without you." She yelled as she tapped her leg furiously. "Yeesh, what happened to the Terra I talked to last night?" I thought to myself.


Hello my people! What's up?

Here we have another chapter for you..

This a/n is an edit after the chapter had actually been released.. SO YOU GOT THE CHAPTER LAST NIGHT. Last night for us here in SIngapore actually XD

So today's shoutout goes to.... @Into_The_Rush2014!!!!

She followed both of us on our private accounts...

BTW, if you were reading our posts on our homepage, you would know that you could follow us on the private accounts and still get a shoutout.. Okay, question time!!


Leave your answer in the comments.. So that's it, Seeya later. Peace out


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