Chapter Thirteen- Mixed

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Sister. Malia was his sister. Jason was just so confused on how he should react. Should he be happy that he wouldn't be alone in the Zeus cabin? Should he be angry at Zeus for breaking his oath, THRICE? Or should he just, not react? He was just so muddled up. In a way, having Malia in the cabin would be good for him.

He'd finally get to experience being a boss, a mentor and most importantly an older brother. He'd always been protecting his friends, but this, in ways, was so different. Sure, his friends were his responsibility, but a sister was more like a blessing and something that actually belonged to him. Malia may not be his blood sister, but they had the same godly DNA, didn't they?

"Jason?"called someone from outside the door. "Malia's here, and you better come and get her. She's almost fainted, and I can't carry her by myself,"called Piper. "Coming,"he called back. He opened the door to find Piper standing there with a half-conscious Malia with her arm around Piper's shoulder. "Okay, Piper. You grab her by the back and I'll take her legs. Then we bring her in and set her on that bunk." He pointed to the bunk opposite his. "On three. One, two, three!" They lifted her and brought her in. Malia groaned and fell asleep.

"She sure is tired,"said Piper. "Yeah, she got claimed by the king of the gods. No biggie,"said Jason. Piper laughed. "Okay, Jason. You got me.. I'll see you tomorrow at cabin inspection,"said Piper and she kissed him. Jason melted into his shoes. "Bye,"said Piper, smiling at him. Jason mumbled something like,"unuh okay byee." Piper closed the door behind her and walked over to her cabin.

Jason rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "Gods, Aphrodite kids are powerful," he thought. Yawning, he walked over to his bunk, far away from the statue of Zeus. He crashed onto the bed and fell asleep immediately.

Undisturbed dreams? Not a chance.

He was standing behind a tree in a forest, in a clearing. Three people were camping there with a fire in the middle. He stepped out into the clearing to see that he was almost like a ghost. He called out to the campers, but they showed no signs of having heard him or seeing him. "Okay,"he thought,"I'm invisible to them."

He stepped further out into the clearing. Now he could see the three campers clearly. They were Nico, Terra and Malia! What were they even doing there? They seemed to be deep in discussion. He went closer to hear what they were saying. "Okay guys, I'll take first watch, Terra second and Nico third,"explained Malia. "You guys get to bed now, I'll wake Terra at one." Terra and Nico walked over to a nearby tent and zipped themselves in. He went closer to the campsite and sat next to Malia. She turned to him and said,"Wake up, Jason! It's getting late for cabin inspection!"

He shook himself out of the dream to find Malia standing over him, arms crossed and a slightly annoyed face. "I-I just saw you in my dream,"said Jason. Malia's expression wavered. "Umm, its probably nothing, Jason. Just a dream. Now get ready, Piper's waiting,"said Malia. Jason had been observing demigods for years now, and he could tell when anyone was lying. And he knew now that Malia was hiding something from him.


So being a daughter of Zeus, Lord of the Skies, King of Olympus, worst girl a dad could want and what not , Malia was relatively calm and by that it meant she fainted. "Real charming, you made a great first impression in front of your newly profound brother and his girlfriend." She thought as they dragged her into the Zeus cabin.

They laid her down onto a bed next to the window and with a last look at the cabin her breathing finally evened out and she fell asleep.

*Time lapse* (because I'm lazy)

A little while later she woke and decided to shower. She quickly changed into one of the T-shirts which just so happened to be a camp jupiter T-shirt the Stolls had gotten or stolen for her when someone started knocking on the door. She slowly walked over to the door to see Piper. "Hey Malia, you feeling okay now?" Malia hastily nodded. "Yeah, much better. Oh and what can I help you with?" "Oh I'm here for cabin inspection, is Jason there ?" She said. "Yeah half there if that counts."

"Jason, wake up! Piper's here for cabin inspection" Malia shouted as she shook Jason from his unintended slumber. Jason said something inaudible and shot up.  "You were in my dream." Jason said while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm sure it was nothing. I'm gonna get going since I have to do something so I'll leave the cabin inspection too you and Piper." She said as she ran out.


So hey guys we have written another quick chapter before school starts. I'm sure that most of u guys have school tomorrow, so enjoy that (not). A small sorry for being a little late once again. Oh and the picture we had posted of stiles and Malia do not belong to us (the edit does), but some really great artist on Pinterest so yeah.

Oh yeah guys just some ahead information: our updates are not going to be as frequent from now on for a while. That's because our school is starting in a few days. So we're gonna be updating once a week(no promises as to which day). On holidays, you'll get extra long chapters more frequently... So keep reading:)

I just realized that this is our 20th chapter! So give us some love..

That's all for now folks. Don't forget to comment and vote. ❤️

Yours in demigodishness and all that

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