Chapter Nine- Jason

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Jason was talking to Chiron at the Big House when Annabeth came up to them with the new girl next to her. The girl looked somehow vaguely familiar.

He jogged his memory and tried to remember where he had seen her. Suddenly he was blank. He couldn't remember what he was thinking about a second ago.

"Hi," he said to her. "I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. And you are..?"he asked. "Hi, Jason. I'm Malia. Aren't sons of Jupiter like you quite uncommon? I mean, after World War Two and the oath taken by the Big Three and all?"said Malia.

Jason was startled. How could she know so much? Maybe Annabeth had taught her. But why would she tell about the oath and the Big Three? He turned to look at Annabeth. She was staring at Malia like she had just turned into an alien or something. Okay, then Annabeth hadn't taught her.

He was going to say something and he suddenly he forgot what he was going to say and what he was thinking about. And who was this girl standing in front of him? He introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. And you are..?" "Hi, Jason, I'm Malia." " Jason, I want you to take Malia on a tour of camp and give her a bed in the Hermes Cabin for now," said Chiron. "Okay, Chiron. Will do. C'mon Malia, let's go to the Hermes Cabin," said Jason and they both walked off.

They started at the Hermes cabin. The place was so crowded that some people had to sleep on the floor. "OI HERMES CABIN LISTEN UP!" he shouted. He took a step forward and fell face first on the floor. "Connor,"he muttered,"The next time I see you, I swear, I will electrocute you and you won't be able to sit for a month."

"Now, now, Jason. You don't want to scare our new camper, do you? Welcome to the Hermes Cabin, umm, uhhh...?"said Connor. "Malia,"she promptly replied. "Ah yes, Malia. Welcome to Camp Half Blood. I'm Travis Stoll, Head Pranker and counsellor." Travis pointed next to him. "This is my brother, Connor Stoll. And no, we are not twins."

"REGULAR OR UNDETERMINED?"someone called out. "Sorry, folks. Undetermined,"said Jason. Everyone groaned. Connor laid out a sleeping bag near the cabin door. "Sorry, Malia. We're all out of space.." "Oh, it's alright. I'm totally used to this,"said Malia. "Okay then, pranksters. Malia will be back here in another half hour, in time for dinner. And don't forget, I'm depending on you guys for capture the flag..."said Jason. Everyone cheered. "Seeya later. Jason out."and he shut the door and left.

Jason and Malia went quickly through the 20 cabins. Then he showed her the dining pavilion, the archery course, the rock climbing wall, the canoe lake, the basketball courts, the swordfighting arena and finally, Zeus' Fist.

"Okay Malia, time to head back. It's just five minutes to dinner. That'd give you enough time to fall in with the Hermes cabin." said Jason. "I'll see you later at capture the flag, Jason.."said Malia and made her way back to Cabin 11.

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