Chapter Eighteen- Shay

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Finding an unconscious girl in the forest was not on the top ten list of strange things for Shay Parker. Seriously. He found one, maybe even two or three unconscious demigods in the forest almost everyday. The guy had a lot going on. It just wasn't easy being an extremely hot 16 year old Roman demigod son of Apollo, with the girls all over him, and an extra sad sob story.

The day was going pretty good by demigod standards. As in, he hadn't been attacked by any monsters or seen any strange things the whole day. "That's it," he thought, " Something really weird is going to happen by the end of today." And boy, was he right.

He had received permission to get out of camp for a while just to take a walk. And so there he was, walking in the forest. Nothing moved. There was a slight breeze. He crushed dry leaves under his feet as he walked, occasionally kicking some. He ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't see it, but he knew that the wind did amazing things to his hair.

The forest around him had a calm yet eerie feeling about it. This kind of environment usually leads one to think about sentimental things, like family. And that's exactly what happened to Shay. Every night. The same vision. The same memory. He was transported back to ten years ago, the day his mother died.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Shay... Happy birthday to you!"his mother sang on his birthday. It had been just the two of them, in their small apartment, cutting a cake for his birthday. At that very moment, Amy Parker's eyes would shine with happiness and excitement. Behind those eyes lay secrets, secrets that no one knew except for herself and Shay's father, Apollo. At that time, Shay didn't know about the gods. He was leading a perfectly good life without them.

Every birthday was the same story. They'd cut a cake, go out to dinner, then come back and watch a film. After the film, Shay would go to bed, but Amy would just go to her room and cry. Shay would hear it and go to her room and ask her what was wrong. She would cuddle him and say, "I wish your father was here. He was an amazing man. You'll get to know who he is someday." Little Shay would just nod his head and bury his head in her chest.

Amy Parker had been the best person in the world, according to Shay. She had brown hair, blue eyes and the most wonderful smile ever. She loved him with all her heart and he, her.

On his sixth birthday, however, his mother came back late from work. She worked at a minimart down the street. Her pay was very low, and they had to save up for months in order to get a decent sized cake for his birthday. She came back that day, a bottle of liquor in her hands. She staggered into the apartment and collapsed onto the couch. She'd been coming back late every day for the past few months. When he'd ask why, she'd say that she was working extra shifts to earn more money to buy his cake. Half of that was true. She had been earning more, but not to buy the cake, but for her liquor.

Shay was too young to realize that something was happening to his mother. "Mommy, did you forget what day it is?" He asked, pouting. No reply. "Mommy? Are you okay?"he asked. She burst into tears. He went over to her. Her breath smelled of alcohol. "No, honey. I'm not okay," she said. They cuddled a little while longer. "Okay, pudding. I'm going to go rest a while. Wake me up in an hour, then we can watch a movie," she said and kissed him on the forehead. Amy went into her room and Shay went to his.

After an hour, Shay knocked on his mother's bedroom door. "Mommy?"he called. No response. He called her again. No response. He turned the doorknob. He almost fainted at what we saw. There was Amy Parker, hanging from the fan on a shawl, all limbs slack. Little has he might have been, he knew what was going on. She was dead. Gone. Forever. "MOMMY!!!!"he screamed his heart out. He started to cry.

After that, he remembered only flashes. The neighbours coming to help. The funeral. Moving to his aunt's house. Then Camp Jupiter.

That day, on his mother's bedside had lay a letter that was addressed to him. It had said 'OPEN ONLY WHEN YOU REACH CAMP'. He hadn't understood it then, but he knew that it had some meaning and he decided to listen to what the envelope said.

Four years later. he night he reached camp, he ripped it open. It read:

Dearest Shay,

I hope that you are at Camp when you open this. You might want to know why I'm dead.

Your father, is Apollo, the Greek sun god. The Titan, Kronos, is slowly rising to power, even as you read. He's been rising for years now. He had been making me help him ready for his 'rebirth'. That's why I came back late everyday. And I was so depressed that I also started to drink. My health deteriorated.

You might be wondering why I didn't refuse. That's because he'd decided to put the price for not cooperating as your life. I didn't want to lose you. So I listened to him. On your sixth birthday, his use for me was over, and I came home. I didn't want anything to happen to you. I didn't want you in trouble because of me again. I knew that Kronos would try to track me down again. So I alerted your aunt, and she understood and you were sent there.

I hope you understand now. Live safely. Love safely.


"Life is a dare," he thought, "every day is a new challenge, a new experience and new dangers."

Heyy people:)
Just wanted to say thank you so so so much for reading and liking this story.. we reached 900 yesterday!!
Please keep reading and help us reach 1K..
Next chapter, we'll carry on with the main story... This was basically just to tell you about Shay..
So see y'all!
Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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